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sanuj bansal
sanuj bansal

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Developing Chrome extension using React

If you’re here because you’re either contemplating your journey into Chrome extension development or looking to sharpen your skills. Well, you’re in the right place. Allow me to introduce myself — I’m the developer behind the popular Chrome extension Careerflow’s Linkedin Optimization and More, which has garnered a dedicated user base of over 200,000 users. It’s been a remarkable journey filled with lessons, challenges, and, most importantly, achievements. Today, I’m excited to share my insights, lessons learned, and expert advice that I’ve gained through countless hours of developing and maintaining a successful Chrome extension. So, whether you’re just starting or looking to take your extension to the next level, join me on this enlightening journey into the world of Chrome extension development.

1. Permissions: Keep It Minimal

One of the first things you’ll encounter when developing Chrome extensions is permissions. While it’s tempting to request a wide array of permissions, it’s vital to avoid unnecessary ones. Users can become wary of extensions that ask for too many permissions, which may lead to them declining the installation. Always strive for the principle of least privilege — only request permissions that your extension genuinely needs to function.

Not only does this increase user trust, but it can also help your extension receive the coveted “Verified” and “Featured” badges on the Chrome Web Store. These badges signify that your extension adheres to best practices and respects user privacy, further increasing trust among users.

2. CSS: Mind the Spillover

When styling your extension, be cautious when using global CSS or importing themes. Any styles you apply will spill over into the web pages where your extension operates. To prevent unwanted interference, consider utilizing shadow DOM (shadow-root) to encapsulate your extension’s CSS. This way, your styles will only affect your extension’s components, maintaining a clean separation from the host page’s styling.

3. Code Optimization: Keep It Clean

While optimizing your code for performance is essential, be cautious when obfuscating or uglifying your code for quicker deployments on the Chrome Web Store. Google’s review process involves inspecting your code, and obfuscated code can raise red flags. Strive for clean, well-documented code that adheres to best practices to expedite the review process.

4. Bug Management: Test Thoroughly and Implement Feature Flags

Mistakes happen, but in the world of Chrome extensions, they can have repercussions. Once your extension is published, fixing bugs can take more than 24 hours due to review processes. This makes it crucial to thoroughly test your extension before each release. Additionally, consider setting up a beta testing channel to catch issues before they affect your entire user base.

Feature flags, controlled from a database field, can be a powerful addition to your extension development process. They allow you to enable or disable specific features remotely without deploying new code. Here’s a simplified example using JavaScript and a database (not production-ready):

// Assume you have a database field 'feature_flags' for each user.
// Check if a feature is enabled for a specific user.
const isFeatureEnabled = (userId, featureName) => {
// Fetch feature flags from the database for the user.
const userFlags = db.getUserFeatureFlags(userId);
return userFlags[featureName] === true;
// In your extension code, use the feature flag.
if (isFeatureEnabled(, 'newFeature')) {
// Enable the new feature.
// ...

5. Scripting: Go Modular

Chrome extensions limit the use of external scripts through the script tag. Instead, embrace pre-bundled modules. Tools like Webpack can help bundle your JavaScript code, making it compatible with the extension's environment. This approach ensures that your code is modular, efficient, and easier to manage.

6. Analytics: Measure with Precision

To gain insights into user interactions and usage patterns, consider integrating Google Analytics using the Measurement Protocol. This allows you to track user events, monitor extension performance, and make data-driven decisions to improve user experience. We recommend the Measurement Protocol because most traditional methods and modules for implementing Google Analytics include external scripts that may not be suitable for extensions.

7. Asset Management: Be Web Accessible

When importing images or other assets, employ the chrome.runtime.getURL method. Ensure that these assets are included in both your manifest file as web_accessible_resources and bundled by your module bundler, such as Webpack. This ensures that your extension can access these resources correctly and securely.

Here’s the web_accessible_resources example you can include in your manifest.json:

"web_accessible_resources": [
"resources": ["content.styles.css", "src/assets/*"],
"matches": ["https://*/*"]

In conclusion, Chrome extension development offers a world of possibilities, but it also comes with its unique set of challenges. By carefully considering permissions, CSS encapsulation, code quality, bug management with feature flags, modular scripting, analytics with the Measurement Protocol, and asset management, you can build extensions that are user-friendly, efficient, and trouble-free. So, arm yourself with these insights, and dive into the exciting world of Chrome extension development with confidence. Happy coding!

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