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Sarah Siqueira
Sarah Siqueira

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Why you should use WP-CLI

WP-CLI provides a command-line interface for many actions you might perform in the WordPress admin with no need to be logged in to the dashboard and navigate through the pages, as an admin user. That can be really useful if you working at an agency for example, and have to perform tasks for any client's project.

It would be a little awkward to keep asking the client's user and password don't you think? This way, WP-CLI comes in very handy. With WP-Cli you will need to have the root access to the server and that's it.

For example, you can manage plugins and themes, including installs, activations, and updates, you can manage users along with their roles, capabilities, and meta, and also can add, remove, and list the capabilities of a user role. There are lots of possibilities!

Yet, is advisable that some of the tasks above are performed using WP-CLI, as it is a faster and more efficient alternative that the dashboard. For WordPress developers and administrators working on the command line, WP-CLI is a great tool.

A full list of available commands you can find on the official documentation and you always can type wp help to find out all the things you can do with a specific subcommand.

Enjoy and increase your productivity with this really amazing tool!

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