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Ioannis Apostolopoulos
Ioannis Apostolopoulos

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From Console Application to Story

What Console Application?

Hello Againn!πŸ˜πŸ‘‹ Two years ago, when I first dipped my toes into the world of C#, I tried to challenge myself with the creation of a basic console application using the .NET SDK. This led to the birth of a game I called "Wizard Game." In the game, players could type in the name of a spell, and with a somewhat minimalistic effect, it would decrease the health of the enemy. Of course, the enemy had its turn to strike back. Join me as we revisit this humble project, one that marked the early stages of my C# programming journey, and look at the story behind a game that was meant to be storyless.
Wizard Game in action lol

Storyless? Or a Deeper Meaning?

For the longest time, I forgot about "Wizard Game." It was an simple console application that I had created way back when I was just getting into the world of game development.

Right after finishing my first game, I had to think of ideas for a new game. I could not for the life of me come up with an original idea. I was determined to push my creativity and develop something that would stand out. At first, I played around with the idea of making a digital card game, inspired by my many hours spent playing them. I thought it could be a great project, given my love for the strategic and competitive spirit card games often brought to the table.

However, as I delved deeper into the concept, I realized that I was following a path already followed by many other game developers. While I admired card games, I wanted something more original or unique, something that would set my work apart. It was during this moment of thinking that my mind drifted back to "Wizard Game."

As I reflected on my old creation, I realized that the seemingly simple console application had sparked a world of possibilities in my mind. Beyond the basic mechanics there was something enchanting about the gameβ€”a story, a compelling story that I had previously overlooked. To be more precise, there was no story(😞), but in my mind, it was as if the game had planted a seed of creativity in me, and I started thinking, coming up with a complex story(the good ending😊).

What Will Happen With This?

This whole concept is still very rough, and although it could lead to a very cool game idea in the near future, there is always a chance this idea gets scrapped. I am very optimistic that this idea will be the root of a great game, especially since my experience with game engines and coding in general have increased over the past year. This was a shorter read, but I am still so gratefully for anyone who is willing to spend even 2-3 minutes of their valuable time reading about my story.

I thank you all!
Ioannis, The Semi-Intermediate game developer(and yes, i'm going to keep saying it😁)

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