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"Why do you want to work for us?" - Interview Question (Demystified)

skaytech on July 16, 2020

Introduction Thanks to Jack Domleo (@jackdomleo7 ) for asking the question on twitter which triggered a lot of discussions and debates. ...
sorincostea profile image
Sorin Costea

I totally follow your reasoning but for me it's walking a very thin line - you're basically asking to be lied nicely. Even a well researched answer wouldn't be trustworthy enough to use for a decision. They might tell you all excited things about product X while in the end it's still the commute time behind their motivation. Then what do you do? You said it - if you're not google, chances are your insurance products never made a programmer's wishlist so seeing somebody overly excited might even raise a flag. As somebody pointed out, there might be real interest in the tech stack used but I'm sure that will come up much stronger during the technical discussion (and the tech stack excitement is rather something for beginners). I mostly agree to the point of asking about the company, what do they think about what they read... even there there's enough room for nonsense but at least it's less direct.

davelsan profile image
David Velasco • Edited

Disclaimer: I'm not a recruiter or HR professional.

I'm with Sorin on this. IMO the answer to this question in most cases has questionable value.

I understand the interviewer is looking for a good fit, and so should the candidate. To ascertain this I believe there are better methods.

Two examples, without trying to be comprehensive:

  • Fitness for a specific role is to ask about soft skills and technical competence. It will be apparent whether the candidate has cultivated an interest for the skills required. If this is the case, chances are it is a good choice.

  • Fitness for the company's goals and core principles is to ask about personal interests, motivations, and passions. I should be able to tell whether someone is telling the truth, especially if I too believe and am committed to those same values.

Of course nothing is so black and white. Thankfully we still have humans conducting the interviews.

skaytech profile image

Agreed mostly. The only caveat is maybe I wouldn't give the same leverage to senior profiles. Your argument sits fairly with junior Devs. However, having said that your next point resonating Gary's comment to rephrase the question sounds more likely to be the path forward.

skaytech profile image
skaytech • Edited

Agree with most of your points. Again, the intent is figuring out to what extend the candidate makes effort to know about the company or product. Ultimately, technology is an enabler.
As also stated in my article, I would definitely not solely base my hiring decision on this question, but it'll definitely give me a chance to figure out how well the candidate is able to percieve a question that's not direct and make sense of it. In the real world, often solutioning and designing of things not exclusively stated in the requirement is far more valuable than just do what was told.
But, your points are totally valid and several of them had pointed out in twitter as well. In such a case, I would rather look to hire a person who takes the effort to find out more about the company and the role, rather than just turning up for the interview.
Thank you taking the time to read the article and share your views on the same. I appreciate it!!

liormesser profile image

I did not ask this question either (I'm retired now...), instead I always asked it straight: "so, what do you know about the company?"

The candidate doing a homework and researching about the company was crucial to me. How could you be interested in working for company ABC and not bothering to spend some time learning about it? This simple attitude showed a lot about the candidate's planning/preparing skills.

matpk profile image
Matheus Adorni Dardenne • Edited

I think it's mostly because it is the companies that show interest in hiring me nowadays, not the other way around, but I usually don't do this.

Even when I wasn't a senior dev and had to hussle for an opportunity, I used to fire hundreds of resumes to hundreds of companies through several different platforms and never had the time to meticulously analyse each one of them.

What I would do, when the e-mail/call about the interview came, was just scroll their website to have a vague notion about what they did (and decide if that even interested me at all), but I would hardly call that "research" or "doing the homework". During the interview, if that question was asked, I would just say "I know you're an X company, but tell me a bit about what really happens around here", and I never felt it had a negative impact on how the interview went.

skaytech profile image

Great point Mathews!!

samwightt profile image
Sam Wight

I definitely recommend this more than "Why do you want to work for us?" It makes the intent clearer to people like me who struggle to understand subtext.

zooloo2014 profile image
Brent Engelbrecht

:) And who struggle with giving 'correct' answers...

skaytech profile image

Great! Thanks for sharing this Lior!!

stereoplegic profile image
Mike Bybee • Edited

I get it, and I'd like to think most qualified candidates (who have been taught to do so - an astonishing number don't even know to send a cover letter, or have given up on writing one because recruiters don't bother forwarding it) want to do proper pre-interview recon, but sometimes the work week (and personal life surrounding it) leading up to the interview is a blur and they just don't have the time to properly research your company. Quite frankly, sometimes they do, wait for weeks, and then forget by the time they actually get an interview. Again going back to (staffing agency) recruiters, sometimes it's hard to figure out what a company even does when a recruiter is playing gatekeeper, and you're lucky if you even get a useful job description.

With as long as I've been playing this game, I've gained (worked my @$$ off for) the luxury of being choosy. If I haven't honestly answered that question in my own mind beforehand, I don't bother applying (I also don't bother with gatekeeping recruiters who refuse any of the critical details I ask for). If that answer doesn't include seeing immense potential in not only personal growth, but product direction (market share and new verticals/spinoff products, which I'll even propose and possibly create on my own if you don't hire me), I don't bother applying.

Like it or not, though, a lot of devs don't have the luxury of being as choosy as I am. Sometimes the honest answer is "the job and the pay can't be worse than what I've got."

skaytech profile image
skaytech • Edited

Brilliant Mike!! It's very sad, yet quiet true about the hiring process that exists today. I can both empathize with the pain and frustration you've gone through (having been there myself) and applaud you for that fact that it has made you much stronger through the process.
Thanks for your comment. I've met a few folks who are extremely driven and explain to me in an interview what the current product offerings lack and how they can contribute to make them better. Whether that actually happens, is a different thing altogether, but that sort of conviction is what more or less seals the deal in an interview!!

stereoplegic profile image
Mike Bybee

I think more than anything, I just got old and crotchety. Get off my lawn!!!

Kidding. But I did learn to value myself along the way. People talk about compromise like it's a good thing. It's not. It's literally trading a value for a lesser value (or non-value). If the relationship is right (whether business, friendship, romance, etc.), there shouldn't be any compromise - just mutually beneficial exchange, playing off each other's strengths, and improving rather than exploiting each other's weaknesses.

Ok, I'll stop philosophizing now.

_garybell profile image
Gary Bell

I don't ask candidates why they want to work for us, but I do ask them what got them interested in the role. If the answer is "I need a job", then that's not a good enough answer. I'm trying to get an understanding for their passion in terms of the tech stack, and why they are specifically drawn to it.

If they aren't passionate about the tech stack and building on their skills, they won't work out. We're not doing anything groundbreaking or technically disruptive, but we do want to continually improve for the benefit of our customers.

davelsan profile image
David Velasco

IMO, this is a much better question. It gives room for different profiles, and the answers should be very informative.

skaytech profile image
skaytech • Edited

That's a good point Dave. Thanks for sharing your view points. Something for me and others out there to think about rephrasing this question. That's why I love this blog medium. Great platform to learn from others. Thanks again!

skaytech profile image

I could not agree more. I couldn't have expressed this any better than you have Gary! Thanks for sharing your insights :-)

matbhz profile image
Matheus Felipe • Edited

Very well written and articulated article! I, however, have the opposite point of view as I don't believe there is any reason to ask this question, at all. It's even less reasonable to ask it when the candidate is invited in for an interview.

Sure, as a candidate I am actually interested in doing the basic Google search (note it's a search, not a REsearch) to understand if your industry is minimally interesting, if the product market fit is there and if it makes sense to pursue an opportunity for a risky startup (if applicable) that, statistically speaking, is going to flop.

I have gladly been on both sides of the interviewing process multiple times and I never asked this question. Much rather the opposite: I tried to sell the company idea as much as the time allowed me to.

As anecdotal as this may be, it was quite measurable the difference in interview quality I experienced when compared to my other peers that followed the "standard".

A good rule of thumb is: Imagine if the candidate asked the same question (e.g.: "Why would I work for you?").
If that sounds weird or awkward, then you, as an interviewer, shouldn't ask it.

skaytech profile image

Thanks for reading the article. I appreciate your comments.. your views are also echoed by several others in the comments below. I've responded to them in detail.. thanks once again!!

dwd profile image
Dave Cridland

I don't ask this one. But I do expect a discussion of the company you're applying for to come up during the interview, and I do expect some hints that the applicant has done their homework. Nothing worse than being an also-ran application...

skaytech profile image

Good to know Dave. Thanks for sharing this.

muniro profile image
Muniro • Edited

The answers I gave on Twitter to Jack, match above answers, as in do research, use glassdoor try to sell your good points. With so many years of experience and being asked this question often, I am in a good position to know what is being targeted by the interviewer. @Muniro2

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

Why do you want me to work for you again? "Get out!"

evert profile image
Evert Pot

It's a bad question because you assume I do. The interview is a 2 way street. I'm also trying to find out if the company is a good fit for me.

The question is even worse if the company reached out to me to invite me for an interview.

Last few times I got this question I just answered: I don't know yet, that's what I'm here to find out.

The question is presumptuous, makes people feel awkward and likely will give you false negatives.

skaytech profile image
skaytech • Edited

"It's a bad question, because you assume I do." Actually the premise of my article is to state that the question isn't what it actually means and hence the title "demystified" :-)
Having said that, your comments are valid and have been echoed by several others on twitter as well.
I do acknowledge that the question definitely needs to be rephrased. However, the intent of my article is to explain the layers behind the question and provide resources to research on the company before going in for an interview.
I would like to thank you for taking the time to read the article and share your comments.

genreshinobi profile image
Shinobi🕹 • Edited

I don't typically ask it, but I've sat next to my peers as they've asked candidates. I think there's a responsibility on the interviewers part to approach to wield questions responsibly. If you, as an interviewer, don't care. Don't ask it.

I highly suspect, "Well working here would reduce my commute." wasn't the reason they didn't get the job. Either the rest of the interview was poor, or the interviewer was looking for a reason to say no. I've sat next to a number of peer interviewers who asked questions like this, because it's a standard question to ask and not because they were using it to perceive much of anything.

If they answer poorly, follow up. There's nothing wrong with a candidate being honest. Reducing a commute from 1.5hrs to 30minutes is understandable, relatable, and a potential point for learning more about the candidate and their goals outside of work. But it's the interviewers job to wield the question responsibly.

skaytech profile image

Totally agree on this. To be honest, conducting interviews are hard and you need to be in the right headspace rather than go through the motions.
A lot of folks especially the senior ones, don't realise that they personify the company's image and that's the first taste of the company's culture the candidate gets to experience and it is extremely important to ensure it isn't a bad one.

annietaylorchen profile image
Annie Taylor Chen • Edited

This is interesting from a company's perspective. From candidates' perspective, yeah... they have less time for each company, they have to file hundreds and hundreds of applications and will be rejected by most of them, so why bother spending so much time? When I began first time I really spent a lot of time researching every job and every company, but after a lot of rejection, I learnt to just scan through and if the tech stacks are interesting enough I will hit apply. Then if the company invites me for an interview, I will go back and research a bit more about them, finding reasons that we are good fit for each other. But let's be honest, there are companies that will be your dream ones, you can spend more time researching them, doing their challenges, trying your best to win their heart, but there are others that you just apply so you can put food on the table in case your dream date, ahhem, dream company doesn't want you, naturally you will have less motivation to invest so much time in that. No matter which case, I think finding a common ground that's beneficial for both is good strategy.

snoopdougiedougie profile image

The question is designed to determine whether you have done your due diligence in researching the company. Your answer should include verbage suggesting you grok their shortcomings and have ideas how to resolve them.

skaytech profile image

I thought I did exactly that in this article.. 😂😊

saracunn profile image
Sara Cunningham

This is super important!! Love the article especially as I am looking for career opportunities in the next couple of months and this question is always asked. Thanks!

skaytech profile image

I'm glad you enjoyed it 😊 Please do share it with others who you think will benefit from this.

jwp profile image
John Peters

I just say I wasn't looking until your recruiter contacted me. Which has happened before. Funny thing was the interviewers don't know much about their own recruiters.

mxldevs profile image
MxL Devs

Thanks for sharing your insights.

My go-to response is something vague like "I like what [the company/project] is doing and would like to contribute" lol

skaytech profile image

As long as it's not something like 'It makes my commute time shorter.' you are good to go :-) In my opinion, even that's a valid reason. The only thing is that it cannot be the only thing you can think about when you want to work for the company. Thanks for taking the time to read the article. Cheers!