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Soham Galande
Soham Galande

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Exploring Reflection in C#: Understanding Metadata at Runtime


Reflection is a powerful feature in C# that allows you to inspect and interact with the metadata of your program at runtime. This capability enables developers to dynamically access types, methods, properties, and events, making it a vital tool for building flexible and extensible applications. Reflection is widely used in scenarios such as dependency injection, serialization, testing frameworks, and dynamic object creation. However, with great power comes great responsibility, as improper use of reflection can lead to performance overhead and maintenance challenges. In this blog, we’ll explore what reflection is, how it works, common use cases, and best practices for using reflection in C#.

1. What is Reflection in C#?

1.1. Definition:

Reflection is the ability of a program to inspect and manipulate its own structure and behavior at runtime. In C#, reflection is provided by the System.Reflection namespace, which includes classes that allow you to interact with the metadata of assemblies, modules, types, and members.

1.2. How Reflection Works:

C# compiles code into Intermediate Language (IL), which is stored in assemblies along with metadata that describes the types and members defined in the code. Reflection allows you to access this metadata at runtime, enabling you to dynamically create instances of types, invoke methods, and access fields or properties without knowing the details at compile time.

2. The Basics of Reflection:

2.1. Accessing Type Information:

The first step in using reflection is obtaining a Type object that represents the type you want to inspect. You can get a Type object using the typeof keyword, the GetType method, or the Assembly.GetType method.

// Using typeof
Type type1 = typeof(MyClass);

// Using GetType on an object instance
MyClass obj = new MyClass();
Type type2 = obj.GetType();

// Using Assembly.GetType
Type type3 = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetType("Namespace.MyClass");
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2.2. Retrieving Members:

Once you have a Type object, you can retrieve information about the members of the type, such as constructors, methods, properties, and fields.

// Get all public methods of the type
MethodInfo[] methods = type1.GetMethods();

foreach (var method in methods)
    Console.WriteLine($"Method: {method.Name}");

// Get all public properties of the type
PropertyInfo[] properties = type1.GetProperties();

foreach (var property in properties)
    Console.WriteLine($"Property: {property.Name}");
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3. Common Use Cases for Reflection:

3.1. Dynamic Object Creation:

Reflection allows you to create instances of types dynamically at runtime, even if the type is not known until runtime.

// Create an instance of MyClass using its default constructor
object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type1);

// Create an instance using a constructor with parameters
object instanceWithParams = Activator.CreateInstance(type1, new object[] { "parameter1", 42 });
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3.2. Invoking Methods Dynamically:

Reflection enables you to invoke methods on objects at runtime, even if the method to be invoked is not known until runtime.

// Invoke a method named "MyMethod" on the instance
MethodInfo method = type1.GetMethod("MyMethod");
method.Invoke(instance, new object[] { "parameter" });
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3.3. Accessing and Modifying Fields and Properties:

You can use reflection to get or set the values of fields and properties on an object dynamically.

// Access and modify a public property
PropertyInfo property = type1.GetProperty("MyProperty");
property.SetValue(instance, 100);

// Access and modify a private field
FieldInfo field = type1.GetField("myField", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
field.SetValue(instance, 42);
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4. Advanced Reflection Scenarios:

4.1. Working with Attributes:

Attributes in C# are a way to add metadata to your code. Reflection allows you to retrieve these attributes at runtime and use them to control behavior.

// Get custom attributes of a class
object[] attributes = type1.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MyCustomAttribute), true);

foreach (MyCustomAttribute attr in attributes)
    Console.WriteLine($"Attribute found: {attr.SomeProperty}");
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4.2. Reflection and Generics:

Reflection also supports working with generic types and methods. You can inspect and invoke generic methods, and create instances of generic types.

// Get a generic method and invoke it with specific type arguments
MethodInfo genericMethod = type1.GetMethod("GenericMethod");
MethodInfo constructedMethod = genericMethod.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(int));
constructedMethod.Invoke(instance, new object[] { 123 });
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4.3. Emitting IL Code at Runtime:

Reflection.Emit allows you to dynamically create and execute new types and methods at runtime. This is an advanced scenario typically used in dynamic proxy generation, dynamic assemblies, or compilers.

AssemblyName asmName = new AssemblyName("DynamicAssembly");
AssemblyBuilder asmBuilder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(asmName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
ModuleBuilder modBuilder = asmBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("MainModule");
TypeBuilder typeBuilder = modBuilder.DefineType("MyDynamicType", TypeAttributes.Public);

MethodBuilder methodBuilder = typeBuilder.DefineMethod("DynamicMethod", MethodAttributes.Public, typeof(void), null);
ILGenerator ilGen = methodBuilder.GetILGenerator();
ilGen.EmitWriteLine("Hello from Dynamic Method!");

Type dynamicType = typeBuilder.CreateType();
object dynamicInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(dynamicType);
dynamicType.GetMethod("DynamicMethod").Invoke(dynamicInstance, null);
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5. Performance Considerations:

5.1. Reflection Performance Overhead:

Reflection is powerful but comes with performance overhead. Accessing members via reflection is slower than direct access because it involves additional processing to inspect metadata.

  • Mitigation Strategies:

    • Cache Reflection Data: If you need to use reflection multiple times, cache Type, MethodInfo, PropertyInfo, etc., to avoid repeated lookups.
    • Use Delegates: Instead of invoking methods via reflection repeatedly, create a delegate and invoke the delegate to improve performance.
  // Using a delegate to call a method
  Action<MyClass, string> myMethodDelegate = (Action<MyClass, string>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action<MyClass, string>), method);
  myMethodDelegate((MyClass)instance, "parameter");
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5.2. Security Considerations:

Using reflection can expose sensitive information or allow unintended access to private members. Always validate inputs and ensure that reflection is used in a controlled and secure manner.

6. Best Practices for Using Reflection:

6.1. Use Reflection Sparingly:

Reflection should be used only when necessary. Whenever possible, prefer compile-time mechanisms over runtime reflection to maintain performance and code readability.

6.2. Leverage Built-In Frameworks:

Many frameworks and libraries in .NET (e.g., Dependency Injection, Entity Framework) use reflection internally. Use these libraries instead of writing custom reflection code whenever possible to benefit from built-in optimizations.

6.3. Avoid Reflection for Frequent Operations:

Avoid using reflection for operations that are performed frequently, especially in performance-critical sections of your application.


Reflection in C# is a powerful tool that provides developers with the ability to interact with and manipulate metadata at runtime. It opens up a range of possibilities for building flexible, dynamic applications. However, with great power comes the responsibility to use reflection judiciously, balancing its benefits against the potential performance and maintenance costs. By understanding how reflection works and following best practices, you can leverage its full potential while avoiding common pitfalls.

Top comments (2)

victorbustos2002 profile image
Victor Bustos

Good article :)

soham_galande profile image
Soham Galande

Thank you