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Sokhavuth TIN
Sokhavuth TIN

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The Sports Channel website template

“The Sports Channel” is another website template that could be used to continuously broadcast all kinds of video 24 hours per day and seven days per week with no cost. Thanks to YouTube Player API (Application Programming Interface) that allow us to do such live broadcast.

Besides live broadcast, YouTube also allows us to write code to change video streaming. This fact make us to write code to switch between different videos sources at will in order to watch video streaming we like. By default, “The Sports Channel” template comes with five different videos streaming classified in five categories - Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Boxing, and Table Tennis. We could add more video sources if we like. And to switch between video sources, we just do “one click” without refreshing the web page.

“The Sports Channel” as well as all templates designed by Apsara Templates could be also used to run video and movies series website due to its ability to create unlimited playlist with videos from different platforms. For example, with “The Sports Channel” template we can create a playlist with videos from YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo… And those videos could be played smoothly without any problem.

If you want to use “The Sports Channel” template to create a sport website or to run a video and movie series website, you can call us at 096 388 9323, we will install this template for you to run on the European free web hosting service at . You could pay us only for our time to create a website for you. In addition, as this template is written in Node.js, it could be installed on any web hosting service that includes Node.js as one of its programming language. To see more templates, go to our website at .

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Top comments (1)

dwight345 profile image
Dwight • Edited

Thanks for sharing! This template sounds perfect for my website. The seamless streaming and easy customization options are exactly what I need.