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What Challenges do you face in Writing Technical Articles?

Suraj Vishwakarma on August 09, 2023

Introduction Around three years ago, I embarked on a journey of writing technical articles. While this endeavor has been rewarding, it h...
lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

For me, the biggest challenge is to after understanding the technology I need to write about sufficiently, to get back into the mindset I had before understanding it to be able to explain it to someone who doesn't yet understand it already.

surajondev profile image
Suraj Vishwakarma

It's a unique case. I would suggest that you can start by dividing the topic into sub-topics to cover topics deeply. Make bullet points of topics that you learn. Then convert the points into different sections of the blog according to the section.

In this way, you will be able to cover most of the things regarding the topic. When you cover most of the things, there is most likely that the audience will understand the topic.

Also, don't over simply do things as it will make the article unnecessarily long.

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

It's not that I would leave out topics. The problem is that the depth of my knowledge also increases the complexity of the explanations in favor of terseness. Hitting the sweet spot between a short text and a text that is easy to understand is the hard part for me. Mostly, I try to find beginners to test read and then trying to make the parts they don't understand more verbose, but what works for one beginner might not work for the next one.

coderatul profile image
Atul Kushwaha

Procasination & inconsistency 😗

If you get something without a heart wrenching effort you don't value it that much

And you end up like me

surajondev profile image
Suraj Vishwakarma

Most of the time inconsistency and procrastination come as you might not know the topic you want to write about. If you have a topic list, you might learn about it and write about it.

I suggest you on using a notion template for managing your topic ideas. I use this notion template: for managing blogging ideas.

Regarding topic ideas, you can write about things such as:

  • What you are learning?
  • Something you find useful on social media, you can expand on that to create a blog post with proper quotation if you using any.
  • Reading blog articles will inspire article ideas.
coderatul profile image
Atul Kushwaha

I agree for instance I am continuing a series : intuitive OOP in python and I know OOP pretty well but as is such a fantastic platform even if i don't write blogs for days , I keep getting interactions and followers which is awesome but in another pov sub consciously it contributes to procrastination

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surajondev profile image
Suraj Vishwakarma

That's good. Converting a single topic into a series is awesome to get multiple articles from a single idea.

I keep getting interactions and followers which is awesome but in another pov subconsciously it contributes to procrastination

Regarding this, I suggest you update the goal if you have anything related to this. Otherwise, I will suggest don't just write for followers. Write to share with others. It will never create conscious to do procrastination. And enjoy the process of writing articles.

One more thing, create a blogging planner and write according to that. Building a habit will help you in dealing with procastination.

oyohalexandra profile image
Alexandra Oyoh Alison

So, what I do to get right back in the mood of writing, is I try to read technical articles that are sort of related to the article I'm working on. I try to read up as many as I can. The motivation to write grows up from there. I think this might help other technical writers out there. I hope it helps though. 🥰

surajondev profile image
Suraj Vishwakarma

I agree with you regarding reading technical articles of others. I would also suggest starting something(does not based on technical stuff). As I have seen in my case, If I just start writing anything, it builds my mind to write. Then I just switch to my article.

oyohalexandra profile image
Alexandra Oyoh Alison


theaccordance profile image
Joe Mainwaring • Edited

What are the primary challenges you face when writing technical articles?

For me, the primary challenge is a suitable narrative for the topic, accompanied by sufficient substance.

Is writer's block a recurring obstacle? How do you tackle it?

No, I've only had writer's block once a decade ago when I had a book deal with a major publisher.

How do you overcome the occasional laziness that strikes when faced with writing another article?

It's simple: I don't worry about that. If I'm lazy, I'm lazy.

Have you experienced any hurdles related to effectively conveying complex technical concepts?

Rarely, although I've also encountered situations where the audience has landed on my article for the wrong reasons, so they're not absorbing the information in the way it was intended.

What strategies do you employ to maintain consistency and motivation in your writing journey?

Don't worry about consistency. I am not consistent with my writing, but I have had many of my writings elevated by editorial here and on other platforms. Write when it feels right, and you'll produce quality content.

surajondev profile image
Suraj Vishwakarma

Thanks Joe, for providing your insighful thoughts on the topic.

jcubic profile image
Jakub T. Jankiewicz • Edited

If you write techncial articles you're not technical writer. Technial Writer write mostly documentation and other techncial documentents.

There is a big difference between Technical Writing and Technical Content Writing.

surajondev profile image
Suraj Vishwakarma

Yess. Mostly they do write documentation. But in this was considering it only for article writing.

jcubic profile image
Jakub T. Jankiewicz

It's not "Mostly" if you only write articles you're not technical writer. You just repeat what a lot of people new to technical writing believe. They see the term and think it's about writing technical articles, but it's not.

A lot of people that try to educate others and explain what is the difference between technical writing and writing technical articles. You just make people think in wrong way.

Thanks for changing the title though.

oyohalexandra profile image
Alexandra Oyoh Alison

I'd say lack of motivation. For instance, I had planned that I was going to write and publish an article today, but when I got out of bed this morning, I just felt unmotivated. Lol. I had to feed my mind on technical articles to rekindle the motivation to write. So, I think that's a challenge for me. And I'm working deeply on it. Thanks for sharing this insightful article. You rock! 🤩

poriaspec profile image

I really learnt a lot from reading the comments. Thank you for asking those questions.