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My Backend Development Journey

Hi, I am Salem Olorundare, a backend developer with 5+ years of experience, on an exciting journey with the HNG Internship.

This internship is a unique opportunity to refine my skills, face real-world challenges, contribute to meaningful projects, and collaborate with like-minded individuals.

In this article, I'd like to share an experience where I encountered and solved a complex backend problem.

One of the most challenging backend problems I faced at work was figuring out a logic to create a multi-tenant system for a particular service I was building.

It was a very difficult one as I had never built anything like it before. This is the approach that I used in solving the problem:

Step 1: Making the research

The first step I took was to do a quick research on projects that have implemented this logic. I did a deep dive on how this problem was solved by reading Open Source coding bases.

I read through the API documentation multiple times, scoured online forums for similar ideas and approaches, and reviewed best practices for building a multi-tenant system.

Step 2: Building a mini project

After doing my research and understanding the logic to use to build such a system, I decided to build a simple application using the logic on a smaller scale before applying it on a bigger scale.

I faced some errors while applying it on a smaller scale, but I was able to figure it out and apply it got me prepare for the application on a larger scale.

Step 3: Implementing Solutions

Since I had built it on a small scale, it was very easy for me to implement the logic on a bigger scale and in a bigger project. I was able to successfully implement the multi-tenant logic to my project without any major issues.

With the initial implementation in place, I moved to testing my application and conducted extensive tests to test for different use cases.

This is a testament to my ability and experience as a backend engineer and how I will be able to solve complex problem in the HNG internship.

Through this internship, I hope to enhance my skills, gain more valuable experience, and contribute to impactful projects.

If you’re interested in learning more about the program, check out the HNG Internship website and explore the various opportunities available.

For companies looking to hire talented developers, the HNG Internship program is an excellent resource. Visit the HNG Hire page to learn more about how you can find and hire top talent through the HNG Internship program.

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