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Nuel geek
Nuel geek

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Getting a web3 job as a developer

By the start of 2020, the ledger size had surpassed 200 GB.
In Satoshi Nakamoto's initial paper, the phrases "block" and, "chain" were used independently, but by 2016, the term "blockchain" had gained popularity.

The web3 ecosystem has seen a rise in talent scouting in recent years, and as a result, many individuals with expertise in industries such as health, finance, cyber, government, etc. have entered the blockchain industry.

This article will mostly discuss and relate to the context of developers, although the knowledge and information learned from it may be used in a variety of professions in web3.

I decided to transition from being a graphic designer (Brand Identity Designer) to a blockchain developer around this time in 2021. There have been several stages, from managing a lot of information to learning the basics of programming, which has nothing to do with visual design, but that's a gist for another day. Obtaining a full-time position as a smart-contract developer has been one of my main objectives, and I am aware that it is a goal shared by many other Blockchain engineers.

One of the most important things I saw in the area is how quickly the requirements for becoming a blockchain developer or being hired are rising. If you've been working in the field for at least six months, when you decide to look at job openings, you'll find that some requirements are so demanding that you could choose not to apply and consider the positions as senior roles.
As a developer in the field, you tend to become familiar with the new tool to the point where you could feel overwhelmed by the amount of information to process, lots of tools and upgrades are emerging within a short period.

However, because blockchain technology and smart contracts are both irreversible, it demands cautious and outstanding system development before being deployed on the mainnet. As a result, companies/firms are working hard to find competent developers who won't jeopardize their investment.

Another factor I noticed was the diversities of areas in the web3, from DeFi, NFTs, Dao, Security, Social use, etc., which have different structures to how they are built and approached.

You may have had comparable experiences and made similar observations to mine, yet you still haven't landed your first developer job.
I'll outline a few actions that will improve your chances of finding work as a developer in the coming seconds.

I learned from these experiences—and others that I didn't discuss here—and used them as input to create and put into practice a plan that will improve my chances of landing a job, which I'll share with you here.

In a conversation with a friend, I mentioned the fact that if you ever wrote an Erc20 and Merkle tree contract in 2019 or 2020 you are likely to land an interesting role as a Smart contract/Blockchain Developer; but that is no longer the reality in 2022, coupled with the bear market which has caused some companies to lay off their staffs including developers.

But being excellent and talented will present you with many options of opportunity.

Creating higher chances…

  1. Being a smart contract developer only in the blockchain ecosystem might not be enough skill to land you a role or opportunities, just as I said, companies will like to hire developers who have other experience in other technology like; Frontend development, Backend development, Full stack, Ai, Data engineers, etc. Languages; Python, JavaScript, Typescript, Rust, etc. Having the extra ability to do most times expands your options.

  2. No matter how talented and skilled you are, not having a systematic method of visibility might make it harder to get acknowledged for what you do, especially if your works aren't currently attracting notice. Suggestions; Writing, joining and contributing to communities, applying for boot camp, chances you even know better, at least it offers you access to communities, are some ways you might need to strategically put yourself out there to be noticed for what you do.

  3. Build an intriguing project, whether you work in a group or alone, and attempt to create something valuable rather than just another project. This will help you see your portfolio from a different angle.

  4. Contribute to open-source projects

  5. Attending events and connecting with people is another interesting way to meet with Founders, recruiters, and companies, while you mention your interest and how you can be of value to them.

This article is not meant to discourage you in pursuit of applying for a role but to help you make further plans as a developer in other to build credibility in the space which matters a lot.

I am taking the steps I recommended too because I haven't landed any role yet, I am adding a backend development skill to my Blockchain development skill. If you are looking to hire a smart contract developer/Auditor, you may contact me via Twitter, LinkedIn, or Email.

You can also share with me your experiences and how you navigated the process of landing a role in the comment section or replying to the email.

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Cover image credit to kim barhemmat

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