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Cover image for Learn the Right Way to build React apps in Deno in 10 minutes [Aleph.JS]
Akash Joshi
Akash Joshi

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Learn the Right Way to build React apps in Deno in 10 minutes [Aleph.JS]

Hey all πŸ‘‹, you must have read about Deno, the new backend #javascript runtime recently. I was hacking around with it in one of my older videos, and I wondered if we can build #ReactJs apps on it. Turns out we can!

Using AlephJs, one can build a React app in Deno while using the exact same API as #NextJS, ie,

  • pages
  • components
  • api, etc

In my new video, I'll teach you how to:

  • Create websites using Deno and React
  • Understand how to import BOTH deno and node components and use them
  • Customize some code to show how to use AlephJS

If you like the content, follow me on Twitter for similar videos.

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