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How to Prevent Sudden Crashes of Eclipse IDE on Ubuntu

Eclipse IDE is a powerful tool for developers, but like any complex software, it can sometimes experience sudden crashes, particularly on Ubuntu. These crashes can be frustrating and disruptive. This article will provide several solutions to help you stabilize Eclipse and improve your development experience.

1. Switch Display Driver from Wayland to Xorg

One common cause of Eclipse crashes on Ubuntu is the use of the Wayland display server. Switching to Xorg can often resolve these issues.

Steps to Switch from Wayland to Xorg:

  1. Log Out of Your Current Session:

    • Click on the system menu at the top right corner of your screen and select "Log Out."
  2. Select Xorg at Login:

    • At the login screen, click on your username.
    • Before entering your password, click on the gear icon (⚙️) at the bottom right of the screen.
    • Select "Ubuntu on Xorg."
    • Enter your password and log in.

This change should make your system more stable and reduce the likelihood of Eclipse crashes.

2. Increase Memory Allocation in eclipse.ini

Eclipse relies on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine), and insufficient memory allocation can lead to crashes. Modifying the eclipse.ini file can help.

Steps to Modify eclipse.ini:

  1. Locate the eclipse.ini File:

    • Typically found in the Eclipse installation directory.
  2. Edit Memory Settings:

    • Open the eclipse.ini file with a text editor.
    • Increase the memory settings as shown below:
  • Save and close the file.

Increasing the -Xms and -Xmx values allocates more memory to Eclipse, which can help prevent crashes.

3. Update Graphics Drivers

Outdated or incompatible graphics drivers can also cause Eclipse to crash. Ensuring that your graphics drivers are up to date can improve stability.

Steps to Update Graphics Drivers:

  1. Open Software & Updates:

    • Go to the system menu and search for "Software & Updates."
  2. Check for Updates:

    • Go to the "Additional Drivers" tab.
    • Select the latest available drivers for your graphics card.
    • Apply the changes and restart your computer.

Updating your graphics drivers can resolve compatibility issues that might be causing Eclipse to crash.

4. Disable Unnecessary Plugins

Eclipse plugins can sometimes interfere with the IDE's stability. Disabling or uninstalling unnecessary plugins can help.

Steps to Manage Plugins:

  1. Open Eclipse:

    • Go to Help > Eclipse Marketplace or Help > Install New Software.
  2. Manage Installed Software:

    • In the Eclipse Marketplace, go to the "Installed" tab.
    • Uninstall or disable any plugins you don't need.

By reducing the number of active plugins, you can improve Eclipse's performance and stability.

5. Use a Different Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

Eclipse may crash if there are issues with the current JRE. Switching to a different JRE can help.

Steps to Change JRE:

  1. Install a New JRE:

    • Open a terminal and install a new JRE, such as OpenJDK 11:
     sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk
  2. Configure Eclipse to Use the New JRE:

    • Open Eclipse and go to Window > Preferences > Java > Installed JREs.
    • Add the new JRE and set it as the default.

Using a different JRE can often resolve compatibility issues that lead to crashes.


Sudden crashes of Eclipse IDE on Ubuntu can be caused by various factors, including display drivers, memory allocation, graphics drivers, plugins, and JRE compatibility. By following the steps outlined above, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of crashes and enjoy a more stable development environment.

If you have any other tips or solutions that have worked for you, feel free to share them in the comments below!

You can connect on LinkedIn with me : Indranil Dutta

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