DEV Community

Muhammad Usaid SiddiQui
Muhammad Usaid SiddiQui

Posted on

New Project Atm Machine Programming

Top comments (3)

softwaredeveloping profile image

Your really at this @usaid4150 ! I'm glad you are creating a lot of post's, but, unless you tell us more, very few people will view your posts and mods will mark them as low quality. Hope this helps! 😀

usaid4150 profile image
Muhammad Usaid SiddiQui

Thanks for telling me this, but can you tell me how I can improve?

softwaredeveloping profile image

Thanks for being prompt @usaid4150 ! A lot of folks only reply to moderators with sullen silence.

I'm glad you want to improve. Why not tell us about some challenges you had to surmount while building you calculator, or number guessing game, or atm project.

What was something you didn't know when you started, that you knew when you finished?

Also, just on a personal note, how long have you been into programming? When did you write your first line of code?