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Ewerson Vieira Nascimento
Ewerson Vieira Nascimento

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Software Architecture Fundamentals: Building the Foundations of Robust Systems

Software architecture serves as the backbone of every software system, determining its high-level structure, organization, and overall design. It provides a blueprint for the development, implementation, and maintenance of software, influencing its efficiency and adaptability. In this comprehensive article, we’ll delve into the fundamental concepts of software architecture, with a focus on key architectural features such as Performance, Scalability, and Resilience. By understanding these core principles, you can design and build robust software systems that meet business needs and gracefully adapt to a dynamic digital landscape.

Building blocks

Types of Architecture

Tech Architecture

Tech architecture centers around specialized technologies, where experts master specific tools like Elastic, Java, or SQL Server. These experts ensure that the chosen technology is optimally utilized within the context of a project.

Corporative Architecture

In contrast, corporate architecture takes a holistic approach to organizational technology strategy. It encompasses new technologies, cost considerations, standardization, and large-scale implementations. Corporate architects guide the organization towards the most efficient and cost-effective tech solutions.

Solutions Architecture

Solutions architecture is the bridge between business requirements and software solutions. Architects in this domain transform business needs into comprehensive software designs, often through diagrammatic representations. They also evaluate the commercial impacts of various technology choices.

Software Architecture

Software architecture, the centerpiece of our discussion, is closely aligned with software development. It not only impacts the structural composition of software but also influences the organization’s structure. Software architects play a pivotal role in translating business objectives into concrete software components and their responsibilities, all while ensuring the system’s healthy evolution over time.

The Role of a Software Architect

A software architect takes on a multifaceted role, which includes:

  • Translating Business Requirements: Architects are responsible for translating complex business requirements into practical architectural patterns.

  • Orchestrating Development Teams: They orchestrate and guide development teams in aligning their efforts with the architectural vision.

  • Deep Architectural Knowledge: Architects possess a deep understanding of architecture models, patterns, and concepts, which they apply to real-world challenges.

  • Crisis Management: They are equipped to handle critical situations that may arise during development.

  • Code Review: In the interest of maintaining high code quality, architects conduct meticulous code reviews.

Architecture vs. Design

A fundamental distinction exists between architecture and design:

  • Architecture is concerned with the global scope and high-level structures of a system. Its primary purpose is to ensure that non-functional requirements are met.

  • Design, on the other hand, pertains to local scope and lower-level implementation details. It focuses on the practical aspects of how non-functional requirements are implemented in a specific project.

Advantages of Studying Software Architecture

The benefits of studying software architecture are profound:

  • Top-Down Vision: You gain the ability to view software from a top-down perspective, allowing you to see the big picture.

  • Informed Decision-Making: An architectural background equips you to make informed decisions about software design.

  • Long-Term Sustainability: Architectural knowledge contributes to the long-term sustainability of software systems.

  • Objective Decision-Making: You can make objective technology decisions, free from market hype.

  • Design and Development Patterns: Understand design and development patterns, and their best practices.

  • Impact on the Organization: Recognize how software development impacts the organization.

  • Confident Decision-Making: Architectural knowledge bolsters your confidence when making decisions in a complex technological landscape.

Software Architecture Pillars

Four key pillars support effective software architecture:

  • Structure: It defines the high-level organization of the software components.

  • Componentization: The way components are structured and interact within the system.

  • Relationship Between Systems: The architectural relationships between different software systems.

  • Governance: Establishing well-defined rules for how the software should be developed and maintained.

Day 0 Sustainability

Sustainability lies at the heart of software architecture. Software, while solving problems, should also pay for itself over time and keep up with evolving business needs. Achieving Day 0 sustainability means architecting solutions that can stay online as long as possible, ensuring they pay for themselves and generate profits for the organization.

Architectural Features: Performance

Performance is a pivotal element of software architecture. It directly influences a system’s ability to handle workloads efficiently. Let’s dive deeper into performance considerations:

Measuring Performance

Performance is typically measured using two primary indicators:

  • Latency (Response Time): This refers to the time taken to respond to a specific request.

  • Throughput: Throughput measures the system’s ability to finish a workload by quantifying the number of tasks completed in a given time.

Performance Improvement

Improving performance isn’t solely about scaling up. It’s about optimizing and fine-tuning:

  • Reduce Latency: Strategies to reduce latency encompass optimizing code, minimizing network delays, and efficiently handling external calls.

  • Increase Throughput: Raising throughput involves designing the system to manage more requests without overloading the infrastructure.

Common Reasons for Low Performance

Understanding the root causes of low performance is crucial:

  • Inefficient Processing: Inefficient code and algorithms can lead to performance bottlenecks.

  • Limited Resources: A lack of computational resources, including CPU, memory, and network bandwidth, can hinder performance.

  • Blocking I/O: Blocking input/output operations can slow down the system.

  • Serial Access to Resources: When multiple tasks contend for access to resources, performance suffers.

Ways to Increase Efficiency

To enhance efficiency, consider the following strategies:

  • Scale Computing Capacity: Adding more CPU, RAM, network resources, and storage.

  • Write Better Code: Optimize algorithms, queries, and minimize framework overhead.

  • Concurrency and Parallelism: Implement multitasking and efficient resource utilization.

  • Databases: Choose the right database type and schema for efficient data retrieval.

  • Caching: Employ caching strategies to reduce redundant data processing.

Architectural Features: Scalability

Scalability is the ability of a system to handle increasing workloads while efficiently managing costs. Explore the nuances of scalability:

Scaling Software

To scale software, you should consider decentralization:

  • Ephemeral Disk: Use disk space only for temporary files.

  • Scale Application Server: Focus on scaling the application server, not the assets.

  • Centralized Cache: Implement centralized cache and sessions to manage resources efficiently.

  • Stateless Application: Aim for a stateless application architecture to ensure scalability.

Scaling Databases

Scaling databases requires a multifaceted approach:

  • Distribute Responsibilities: Divide database roles into reading and writing responsibilities.

  • Database Sharding: Split the database into smaller parts, allowing for horizontal scaling and improved performance.

  • Use Serverless: Consider serverless architectures to outsource scaling responsibilities.

  • Optimize Queries and Indexes: Analyze and optimize database queries to reduce the load on the database server.

  • CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation): Consider using CQRS to separate read and write operations for improved scalability.

Reverse Proxy

Use a reverse proxy server to efficiently forward client requests to web servers. Options like Nginx, HAProxy, and Traefik offer enhanced load balancing and security features.

Architectural Features: Resilience

Resilience is a set of strategies aimed at adapting a system when failures occur. It minimizes the risk of data and transaction loss. Let’s delve into the strategies for enhancing system resilience:

Protect and Be Protected

In a distributed architecture, systems must adopt self-preservation mechanisms:

  • Avoid overloading a failing system. Excessive requests to a struggling system can exacerbate the situation.

  • Recognize that a slow system is often worse than an offline system in terms of user experience.

Health Check

A system should have a way to assess its health. When the system is not healthy, it has a chance to recover if temporarily relieved from incoming traffic, allowing for self-healing.

Rate Limit

Rate limiting is crucial to protect the system based on its designed capacity. Set preferences per client to prevent the system from being overloaded.

Circuit Breaker

Circuit breakers are valuable tools for protecting the system:

  • Closed Circuit: Requests come in as usual.

  • Open Circuit: Requests are instantly rejected, providing an immediate error to the client.

  • Half-Open: Limited requests are allowed to test if the system is ready to fully recover.

API Gateway

An API gateway centralizes all incoming requests to the application, ensuring that only appropriate requests reach the system. It can also implement features like rate limiting and health checks.

Service Mesh

A service mesh is a crucial component in controlling network traffic:

  • It relies on communication through proxies in the network.

  • It offers features like mTLS (Mutual Transport Layer Security), circuit breakers, retries, timeouts, and fault injection to ensure resilience.

Asynchronous Communication

Asynchronous communication can prevent data loss and facilitate the handling of transactions, even when a server is temporarily offline:

  • It ensures that no data is lost when sending a transaction to a server that may be temporarily offline.

  • Servers can process transactions when they regain connectivity.

Delivery Guarantees with Retry

To ensure delivery guarantees, use retry policies with exponential backoff. Exponential backoff, when implemented alone, might not be sufficient. Add jitter to avoid multiple systems hitting a server at the exact same time.

Delivery Guarantees with Kafka

Configure message acknowledgments with different levels of acknowledgment:

  • Ack 0: No confirmation that the message was received.

  • Ack 1: Confirmation from the leader broker that the message was received.

  • Ack -1: Confirmation from all brokers that the message was received.


Software architecture fundamentals serve as the cornerstone of building robust, efficient, and adaptable software systems that align with business objectives. By mastering these principles and incorporating them into your software development process, you can create resilient, high-performance, and scalable software systems that stand the test of time.

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