DEV Community


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Placeholder Pledge


I'm Vaibhav, and I'm thrilled to join the DEV community! I hopped on board because I'm passionate about coding and connecting with fellow developers. This is my first time participating in Hacktoberfest, and I'm here to learn, contribute, and be part of this fantastic community. Excited to share, learn, and grow together! 🚀💻 #DEVCommunity #HacktoberfestNewbie


Hey there! I'm diving into Hacktoberfest for the first time, and in general I find it intriguing how with certain line of text based on particular syntax we can make a website that can contribute to society. I got here because I'm curious and eager to learn. Looking forward to the coding journey and discovering the ins and outs of Hacktoberfest with all of you! 🌈💻 #HacktoberfestNewbie #CodingAdventure


I want to sharpen my coding skills and make meaningful contributions to respective repositories. As a contributor, I'm eager to learn, grow, and collaborate with the community. Excited for this journey of skill honing and quality coding! 🌟💻 #HacktoberfestGoals #SkillBuilding

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