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Cover image for How to make a Cookie Policy Banner without any npm package
Vicky Vasilopoulou
Vicky Vasilopoulou

Posted on

How to make a Cookie Policy Banner without any npm package


  • TypeScript
  • localStorage
  • Theme-UI
  • Hooks (useEffect, useState)

Cooking Process:

Let’s make a functional component and also let’s create our useState as a boolean since we want the cookie banner to appear or disappear based on clicking the button.

We are going to use localstorage as well for these purposes.

Now when using localstorage the setItem() method is where you store your items.

On the function handleAcceptance we store on localstorage the cookie banner ‘cookie-banner’, also the second variable could not be avoided because it takes two arguments — so the variable ‘visible’ is added but will be used on that case.

When we use the useEffect hook basically we always want to render the banner once the component is rendered but only the first time we visit the page, so that’s why we don’t add a variable inside the []. When the UseEffect Hook is rendered with the getItem() method we check on the storage if that ‘cookie-banner’ variable exists.

If it does as is on our if statement then make it visible for our first rendering, so we set it to true, since our initial state is false.

Our handleAcceptance function will be passed down on our onClick event and will be triggered once we click the button.

Now the important point is that React can also return null, so what we actually do on our last if statement is that if the cookie is visible then return null so when we had already seen it once it will not keep appearing for every rendering.


export const Cookie = (): JSX.Element | null => { 
const [visible, setVisible] = useState<boolean>(false) 
const handleAcceptance = () => { 
  localStorage.setItem(cookie-banner, visible)
useEffect(() => { 
  const hasSeenCookie = localStorage.getItem(cookie-banner) 
  if (!hasSeenCookie) { 
}, []) 
if (!visible) { 
  return null 
return ( 
   sx={{ position: fixed, 
   bottom: 0, 
   left: 0, 
   right: 0, 
   px: 4, 
   py: 4, 
   bg: secondary,     
   textAlign: center, 
   justifyContent: center, 
   alignItems: center, 
  sx={{ alignSelf: center, 
  fontSize: 5, 
  mr: 4 }}
 This website uses cookies to enhance the user experience 
<Button type=button onClick={handleAcceptance}> 
  I understand 
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Happy Cooking

Top comments (2)

nicozerpa profile image
Nico Zerpa (he/him)

Thank you for sharing Vicky! I'd like to add something important, which is not strictly related to tech:

A cookie notice, at least those that comply with GDPR, don't just tell users the site uses cookies. It also asks them for permission to use them. In fact, the site should not create cookies or data in local storage until the user accepts them (except for cookies that are necessary for the site to work.)

It means that the banner actually requires two buttons: one to accept cookies and another to reject them.

vikirobles profile image
Vicky Vasilopoulou

Thanks Nico for your feedback. Yes, no worries, this is just a sample of showing how you can make a cookie without an npm package and how you can use localstorage. But again thanks.