DEV Community

Bouregbi Zakaria
Bouregbi Zakaria

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Next js New Features

I Know Maybe It's Late But !!

Vercel has released Next.js 14, a significant update to the popular React-based web development framework Next.js, focusing on delivering performance improvements. Here are the key features of this release:

Partial Pre-Rendering: Next.js 14 introduces a partial pre-rendering ability, combining static site generation with server-side rendering, all without requiring new APIs for developers. This feature optimizes the compiler to handle dynamic content and offers significant performance boosts.

Turbopack: The Turbopack Rust-based bundler, optimized for JavaScript and TypeScript, is expected to move to "stable" in an upcoming minor release. It has passed 90% of more than 5000 tests, including bugs and potential edge cases for all of the Next.js development features. It also provides a 35% faster local server startup and 80% faster code updates with Fast Refresh.

Server Actions: Next.js 14 improves the developer experience by releasing Server Actions, allowing developers to define asynchronous server functions. Server Actions can be used for tasks such as revalidating cached data, redirecting to different routes, and setting/reading cookies.

Metadata Improvements: In Next.js 14, metadata about the viewport, color scheme, and theme is sent to the browser before web page content can be streamed from the server. Blocking and non-blocking metada
Image descriptionta have been decoupled, with only a small set of metadata options being blocking. The goal is to ensure that non-blocking metadata does not prevent a partially pre-rendered page from serving the static shell.

Next.js Learn: Vercel has also announced an overhaul of its free Next.js Learn course, which now includes all the new Next.js features.

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