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Suhag Lapani
Suhag Lapani

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The Journey of Choosing the Best UI Component Library with ReactJS

Selecting the right UI component library is more than a technical decision; it’s a journey that shapes the development process, influences user experience, and ultimately impacts the project's success. Over the years, I have faced countless challenges and learned invaluable lessons that have guided my approach to choosing the best UI components. In this blog post, I will share my journey, insights, and experiences, highlighting the factors to consider and the best practices I've discovered along the way.

The Early Days: Bootstrap and React-Bootstrap

Eight years ago, I embarked on a project that relied heavily on Bootstrap, which was incredibly popular at the time. Bootstrap's simplicity and ease of use made it a go-to choice for many developers. We chose React-Bootstrap for its familiar syntax and seamless integration with React. However, we quickly realized that React-Bootstrap lacked many essential components. This forced us to depend on numerous third-party libraries, leading to significant maintenance challenges. Managing these dependencies was like juggling too many balls in the air, and we often found ourselves struggling to keep everything in sync. It was a chaotic yet enlightening experience, teaching me the importance of having a comprehensive and cohesive component library.

Discovering Ant Design (Antd)

Determined to find a better solution, I delved into extensive research and discovered Ant Design (Antd). The moment I stumbled upon Antd, it felt like finding a treasure chest. Antd's extensive collection of components seemed to cover almost every need we could think of. The library's robustness and comprehensive documentation made it a promising choice. However, as with every treasure, there were hidden pitfalls. The documentation was predominantly in Chinese, posing a challenge for English speakers. Moreover, customizing themes in Antd was more complex than anticipated, leading to frustrations and delays. Despite these challenges, Antd taught me the value of having a rich component library and the importance of thorough documentation.

Finding MUI

As the project evolved, we needed a highly customized data grid, and that's when I stumbled upon MUI (formerly Material-UI). MUI's data grid, complex UI components, and highly configurable theme customization were like a breath of fresh air. It offered the flexibility and power we needed. However, as the project grew, we encountered performance issues due to CSS, and our UI/UX team struggled to implement their designs within MUI's constraints. The constant tug-of-war between adhering to MUI's limitations and meeting the UI/UX team's vision led to conflicts and compromises. This phase of the journey was a bittersweet reminder of the delicate balance between functionality and performance.

The Headless and Unstyled Revelation

Faced with these challenges, I considered building our own components from scratch. But the reality of tight deadlines and limited resources made this an impractical solution. Then, a friend introduced me to headless and unstyled components. Libraries like React Aria and Radix offered components without any predefined styles, allowing us to create highly customized designs tailored to our exact needs. We paired these headless components with Tailwind CSS for styling, which provided the flexibility and consistency we craved. This revelation was a game-changer, opening up new possibilities for creativity and customization.

Tackling Tailwind's Complexity

While Tailwind CSS offered great flexibility, managing variants and long CSS class lists quickly became cumbersome. It felt like navigating through a labyrinth of CSS classes. This is when I discovered Tailwind Variant and CVA. These tools simplified the process of managing Tailwind CSS, significantly improving our developer experience (DX). For our data grid needs, we used TanStack DataGrid, a robust headless component that we customized to match our design standards. This combination allowed us to maintain a high level of customization without sacrificing performance or maintainability. This phase of the journey was about finding harmony in the midst of complexity.

Leveraging Open Source Repositories

Throughout my journey, open-source repositories were a beacon of inspiration and best practices. For instance, I closely examined MUI's source code to understand their coding standards, folder structure, and theme customization techniques. Similarly, I learned about CVA from Shadcn's source code and discovered the power of Tailwind Variant through NextUI's repository. These open-source projects provided a wealth of knowledge and inspiration, enabling us to adopt best practices and streamline our development process. This journey taught me the value of community and collaboration in the development world.

Real-World Scenarios and Best Practices

When to Choose Headless and Unstyled Libraries

  • Timeline: When you have sufficient time to invest in custom design.
  • Client Budget: When you have a generous budget to accommodate the flexibility needed.
  • Number of Resources: When you have a skilled team of developers who can handle the complexity.
  • Organization Design Complexity: When your design requirements are highly customized and specific.
  • Project Type: When the project is not a typical dashboard but requires unique design elements.

When to Choose Pre-Styled Libraries

  • Timeline and Budget: When you have limited time and budget constraints.
  • Design Requirements: When design is not a primary concern or can be compromised.
  • Project Type: For dashboard projects, proofs of concept (POCs), or projects where speed and simplicity are paramount.

Key Takeaways

  • Use Tailwind with Unstyled Components: Pairing Tailwind CSS with unstyled component libraries allows for beautiful, custom designs that align with your project's specific needs.
  • Enhance DX with Tools: Utilize tools like CVA and Tailwind Variant to manage Tailwind CSS efficiently, reducing complexity and improving maintainability.
  • Document with Storybook: Storybook is invaluable for component documentation, enhancing developer experience and ensuring consistency across the project.
  • Create Wrapper Components: When using third-party components, create wrapper components to facilitate future replacements and maintain flexibility.

Final Thoughts

Selecting the best UI component library is a journey that involves careful consideration of various factors such as timeline, budget, resources, design complexity, team expertise, and project type. My experiences have taught me the value of leveraging open-source repositories, embracing headless and unstyled components, and continuously refining our approach based on project requirements.

As a React expert with years of experience, I understand the emotional ups and downs of navigating these decisions. Each project brings unique challenges and opportunities for growth. By sharing my journey, I hope to provide valuable insights and guidance to fellow developers facing similar dilemmas.

This journey is not just about finding the right tools; it's about growing as a developer, understanding the nuances of each project, and continuously striving for excellence. Whether you're just starting out or are a seasoned developer, I hope my experiences inspire you to make informed decisions and embark on your own journey of discovery and innovation.

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