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Alex Eversmeyer
Alex Eversmeyer

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State of my Cloud Journey: Oct 26, 2021

Back on! πŸŽ‰

It's been a long while since I last updated this blog, having created a blogging feature on my portfolio site in the spring. However, is going to be my preferred platform moving forward, and I plan to migrate my design documents here (at some point) in order to illustrate them.

Perspective πŸ€”

I also want to use this space to summarize where I'm at in my career change journey on a weekly basis - partly to provide another channel of motivation as I look back through previous posts to see my progress, and partly to keep me focused on my next steps. I'm also trying to keep my journey in perspective. Within my extended network (LinkedIn, Discord servers, Slack channels), I've seen other career changers land similar entry-level jobs to the ones to which I have applied, and it's been a bit discouraging not to get positive responses and interview invitations yet. However, my journey will be different from that of other people, and if it takes longer for me to find that fantastic first cloud job, so be it.

Learning Paths πŸ“š

Recently completed:

  • Linux administration fundamentals (Jason Cannon on Udemy)
  • SQL fundamentals (Jose Portilla on Udemy)

These were both great dives into their respective subjects. I'd used the Linux CLI as part of previous courses, but wanted a more structured way to learn commands. I also have a much better appreciation for database structure and comfort with querying, and I'm sure that will pay off in the future.

In progress:

  • Docker with Compose, Swarm, Kubernetes (Bret Fisher on Udemy
  • Algorithms Specialization (Tim Roughgarden on Coursera)

I put my Docker learning on pause for about a month because of non-tech life events and a desire to work through the Linux and SQL courses. I have jumped back in, rewatching a few videos to reorient myself before forging ahead. Between this and Derek's Morgan's Terraform and Docker courses, I am excited to use containers for my next cloud-based project.

At the suggestion of my mentor, I've also started to dig into an algorithms course to help fill in some of the Computer Science background that I would have gotten through formal education. I can already tell, one day in, that this will be challenging; perhaps it will serve as a base for continuing CS education in the future. This four-part specialization will be a long-term project, so I plan to work through it alongside other courses.

In queue:

Projects πŸ”¨

I don't currently have a specific cloud project queued up. My plan is to think of something fun and container-based once I complete my Docker course. Suggestions welcome!

Job Search πŸ”Ž

No solid prospects yet; I am applying for entry-level engineer positions for which I feel I would be a good fit. I'm also trying to grow and leverage my network, actions upon which I need to improve.

20 applications; 0 interviews; 4 rejections

Wrap-up 🍩

(doughnut emoji because who doesn't like doughnuts?)

I am not displeased with where I am right now. I've been working on this career change for about 18 months around a full-time on-site retail job during the pandemic. While others are going faster, I am doing the best I can (most of the time, I'm still human!) with the time and energy I have.

That's it for this week. Tuesdays are my Sundays with my current schedule, so it's back to the grind tomorrow. Work, learn, sleep, repeat...

Onward and upward!

Top comments (1)

loujaybee profile image
Lou (πŸš€ Open Up The Cloud ☁️) • Edited

I've seen other career changers land similar entry-level jobs to the ones to which I have applied, and it's been a bit discouraging not to get positive responses and interview invitations yet.

If you want to shoot me a message, I'd be happy to look over your CV or applications to see if there's anything "obvious" that you're missing, Alex. Or at least just provide that outside perspective.