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Rachel Fazio for CodeNewbie

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What was your first coding project?: CodeNewbie Podcast

Hello hello and welcome back to CodeNewbie Podcast, our little corner of DEV in which we share weekly interviews with tech professionals to give you supportive advice to further your development career.

This week we released our second episode of this season with Pau Labarta Bajo, Machine Learning Engineer and Educator at Real-World Machine Learning. We talk about what career paths lead to Machine Learning, why data is everything, and early career skill development.

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At the end of each episode we have four main questions we ask our guests, then I bring my favorite question of the week over here, where we can chat all about it.

This week's question is: "What was your first coding project?"

Pau had a great response, which you'll have to tune in to hear fully, about his first project building a natural language-processing model to automate customer support tickets. In his words, "It was a disaster". As it goes, our best projects are sometimes complete failures, which turn into great stories and learning experiences.

So without further ado, please tell me your first coding project! Was it a disaster or complete win? How long did it take you? Do you still stand by it?

See ya next week with our new episode.

Top comments (5)

brnms profile image
Bruno Santos

a convert case page using HTML, CSS and JS

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Paulo Henrique

if we are talking first FIRST, a Pascal code that asked for a password. If the password was wrong, the code would self-delete. If it was correct, it showed an ASCII art.

The movie "The Fly II" for some reason had a big impact on me 🤷🏽‍♂️

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Ibrahim Raimi

A terminal calculator written in Java