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Esmaeil Ahmadipour
Esmaeil Ahmadipour

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How to work javascript file in flutter web ?

One of the capabilities of using flutter for development is creating pwa output. Can we change the final web output (html file) with the commands we wrote in dart? Can we add a tag (like meta or p, โ€ฆ) to the html file with dart commands? You can see how to do this in the following article.

To start, use the default project (counter app) in flutter!

At the top of the main file we add this line:

import 'dart: js' as dartJsFile;

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In setState from the _incrementCounter method we add this line:

dartJsFile.context.callMethod ('insertTag');

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Now we need to write the JavaScript file. To do this, we need to write the following command in the app terminal:

flutter create.

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Add your JavaScript file to the project as shown below:

In the build> web folder ..

In my example , I have to write a method called (insertTag) in my js file that adds new tags inside a tag called (seo). In the file (app .js) I created, I write the method (insertTag):

function insertTag () {
var tag = document.createElement ("meta");
tag.setAttribute ("name", "custom name");
tag.setAttribute ("content", "custom content");
var element = document.getElementById ("seo");
element.appendChild (tag);
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And in the head of the index .html file, I call it.

<head> <script src = "app.js"> </script> </head>
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And inside the body, I define a tag called seo.

<body> <div id = "seo"> </div>

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Now, after performing deploy operations on the server or localhost, you can add a new tag to your file (index.html) each time you press the (+) button.

now worked javascript file in flutter web

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