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Cover image for Making my own Portfolio/Profile Website
Jenuel Oras Ganawed
Jenuel Oras Ganawed

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Making my own Portfolio/Profile Website

Hi βœ‹πŸ˜
I would like to introduce my self,
my name is Jenuel Oras Ganawed and I am a web developer.

I wrote this article to share my new portfolio.

I was searching for designs on google for a couple of days, and then I stumbled on a good design that I like. Its a design by Brittany Chiang.

I built my portfolio based on her design using Vue Js, and with the help of the plugin Vuetify. I tweaked my portfolio a little with the taste that I like.

You can check my the website here
you can also check the Github here

You can use my use it whatever you like but don't forget to credit me, and especially Brittany Chiang the designer.


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