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Cover image for Geolocation Web API - explained in less than 256 chars
Rajesh Royal
Rajesh Royal

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Geolocation Web API - explained in less than 256 chars

This is a submission for DEV Challenge v24.03.20, One Byte Explainer: Browser API or Feature.


Geolocation API: πŸŒπŸ“

  • What it does: Reveals your coordinates.
  • How it works: Magic (and sensors). It uses device sensors like GPS, Wi-Fi, and IP address to triangulate your position πŸ›°οΈπŸ”.
  • Why use it: Maps, weather, stalking. πŸ˜„

Additional Context

The Geolocation API is a handy tool for web developers to access a user’s location. For privacy reasons, the user is asked for permission to report location information. It relies on device sensors like GPS, Wi-Fi, and IP addresses to triangulate the user’s position. While it’s commonly used for maps and weather apps, let’s not forget its more playful applicationsβ€”like tracking down the best local coffee shop or finding that elusive food truck! πŸŒπŸ“β˜•πŸšš

Thank you for reading 😊 have a nice day!

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gauharnawab profile image

Insightful πŸ’―πŸ‘