DEV Community

Ravi Agheda
Ravi Agheda

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Creating a GitHub Action for Deploying to Google Cloud Run Using Docker

  • Setup a new Service Account Create a new service account for our cloud run and deployment process, in order to create a new service account go to IAM & Admin > Service Account > Create New Service Account Add listed roles to the new service account while creation.

Artifact Registry Writer
Cloud Run Admin
Service Account User
Storage Admin

Create and save the email to GitHub secrets as SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL and key (JSON) as GCP_SA_KEY we'll need it for the YML file.

  • Setup Artifact Registry Create a new artifact registry by visiting Artifact Registry > Create Repository Keep the Docker format for the app deployment select your region.

Save registry name and region under github secrets as ARTIFACTION_REGISTRY_NAME and REGION

We're almost there! In order to enable the apis for cloud run, just visit the cloud run via google cloud console and it should auto enable all the required apis for us.

Set / Confirm the Github Secrets

PROJECT_ID - Id of the google cloud project
REGION - Make sure to keep the region that we used while creating the artifact registry or update the yml file as per you need
DEV_APP_NAME - App name that you want to use for the cloud run service name, registry image name and cloud build name ( if build is being used )
ARTIFACT_REGISTRY_NAME - Artifact Registry name
SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL - Service account email that we created earlier

Follow up this YML File.

Note: Current version of yml file use docker based deployment instead of cloud build If you want to use cloud build instead of docker push, then enable cloud build from google cloud console and uncomment line 81 to 84 to 86, also comment out line 76 to 82

name: Build and Deploy to Google Cloud

      - dev

  PROJECT_ID: ${{ secrets.PROJECT_ID }}
  REGION: ${{ secrets.REGION }}
  APP_NAME: ${{ secrets.DEV_APP_NAME }}

    name: Setup, Build, and Deploy
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      # Authenticate with Google Cloud
      - id: "auth"
        uses: google-github-actions/auth@v1.1.1
          credentials_json: "${{ secrets.GCP_SA_KEY }}"

      # Setup gcloud CLI/SDK
      - name: Set up Cloud SDK
        uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@v1

      - name: Authorize Docker push
        run: gcloud auth configure-docker $

      - name: Build and tag the docker image
        run: |-
          docker build --build-arg NODE_ENV=dev . --tag $$PROJECT_ID/$REGISTRY_NAME/$APP_NAME:$GITHUB_SHA

      - name: Push the image to the Google Artifact Registry (GAR)
        run: |-

      # - name: Build and push the Docker image
      #   run: |-
      #     gcloud builds submit . --tag $$PROJECT_ID/$REGISTRY_NAME/$APP_NAME:$GITHUB_SHA

      - name: Deploy
        run: |-
          gcloud run deploy $APP_NAME \
          --region $REGION \
          --platform "managed" \
          --service-account $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL \
          --port 80 \
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Top comments (1)

deril2605 profile image
Deril Raju

Can we add healthchecks to the run deploy?