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Cover image for Coffee and Music are good inputs for coding
Shahin Iman
Shahin Iman

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Coffee and Music are good inputs for coding

Do You like listening to music when You are coding ?
I do.
So the idea to create this tool was natural.
There were several reasons:

  1. get the music i like in mp3
  2. not to subscribed anywhere
  3. no ads
  4. play music on my telephone and use it, with no need to keep open youtube

So I did :)
A telegram bot to get music in mp3 format.
Now, It is up an running.

You may ask, why do You post it here :) well, good question :)
there are several reasons

  1. The first and the most important one - to share a good (in my opinion) tool with the community (coffee and music are good inputs for coding)
  2. The second - I would highly appreciate for Your any suggestions on new features

If You have read until this point - the rest is more interesting :)

So please welcome djBot

What it can:

  1. Get MP3 file from a YouTube link, any (including shorts) 🎸
  2. Get MP3 file from a Shazam link 🎡
  3. In a private chat, get MP3 file from text input/message πŸ’¬

You can make a private playlist in a private chat with the bot.
You can add it to a group, it will react only to shazam and youtube links
You can add it to Your channel (You need to allow it send messages in the channel)

it is free, no ads or subscription.

I made it for fun and have no plans to use it for any commercial purposes.

Let the rhythm be your guiding light .... remember the song ?!

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