DEV Community

Anjan Karmakar
Anjan Karmakar

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Describe the difference between `<script>`, `<script async>` and `<script defer>` for Optimal Website Performance

Ever wondered how to optimize JavaScript loading on your web pages? The answer lies in understanding the different ways to include scripts using the <script> tag. Here's a breakdown:

1. <script> (Default):

  • Blocks HTML parsing until the script is downloaded and executed.
  • Use this for critical scripts that the page relies on to render initially.

2. <script async>:

  • Downloads the script in parallel with HTML parsing.
  • Executes the script as soon as it's available, potentially before HTML parsing finishes.
  • Order of execution isn't guaranteed.
  • Ideal for non-critical scripts like analytics that don't depend on the DOM being fully built.

3. <script defer>:

  • Downloads the script in parallel with HTML parsing.
  • Waits for the HTML to be fully parsed before executing the script, but before the DOMContentLoaded event fires.
  • Scripts execute in the order they appear in the HTML.
  • Use this for scripts that rely on the DOM being fully available, like manipulating page elements.

Key Takeaways:

  • async for independent, non-critical scripts.
  • defer for DOM-dependent scripts that preserve order.
  • Both improve performance by allowing parallel parsing.
  • Not for critical rendering scripts!

Bonus Tip: Avoid document.write() with async or defer scripts.

By understanding these options, you can ensure your website loads faster and delivers a smoother user experience!

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