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Cover image for Tracks and Records Your Work Time Accurately
Anton Reshetov
Anton Reshetov

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Tracks and Records Your Work Time Accurately

The Timefall project is an open-source software that is being developed to provide users with an efficient and convenient time management tool. Created with modern software trends in mind, Timefall is a tool accessible to anyone who wants to better understand how they allocate their time and how it can be used most productively. It's a simple yet powerful tool capable of adapting to each user's needs.

Key Features:

Task Creation with Hourly Pay: Simplify your work assignment process by creating tasks with specified hourly rates, making payroll calculations more straightforward.

Task Folder Organization: Keep your tasks neatly organized by distributing them into individual folders โ€“ streamlining work management and enhancing productivity.

Detailed Reporting: Assess your work performance over different periods with our comprehensive reports. Analyze your tasks by week, month or year.

Local JSON Database: Maintain absolute control and privacy of your task data with our simple JSON database that resides on your computer, eliminating dependence on cloud storage.

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Tracks and Records Your Work Time Accurately


Built with Electron & Vue.
Inspired by Timemator

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Timefall is open source project and completely free to use.

However, the amount of effort needed to maintain and develop new features for the project is not sustainable without proper financial backing. You can support Timefall development via the following methods:

Donate via PayPal Donate via Gumroad


The Timefall project is an open-source software that is being developed to provide users with an efficient and convenient time management tool. Created with modern software trends in mind, Timefall is a tool accessible to anyone who wants to better understand how they allocate their time and how it can be used most productively. It's a simple yet powerful tool capable of adapting to each user's needs.



The project uses Bun for building and running. Please make sure you have Bun installed.

# Install dependencies
bun install
# Run the app

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