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Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern

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Rubyist Hangout Thread

Well, hello! It's time for our weekly Ruby enthusiasts' meetup, where we celebrate Ruby's 28-year legacy and everything community-approved, Ruby or not. Share with us:
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Top comments (1)

usman profile image
Usman Bashir

Async Ruby might be old news for some. But I don't think most people are familiar with it in the community just yet. It's great to finally have proper concurrency in Ruby now. But, the best part is, unlike other languages. We don't have to have colored functions in order to use async code.

Having to use colored functions in JavaScript has always felt like I'm deliberately infecting my code just so it can look readable.

For anyone who is looking to get started, I recommend reading the excellent post on Async Ruby by Bruno Sutic. It's a great intro to the topic.

And, if you are wondering. Hey, does Ruby On Rails supports writing Async code? Well, the short answer is yes. If you exclude Active Record from that question. Though, it seems with the upcoming version 7.1 of Rails. We are getting closer to having better Async support in Active Record too.

Though, I would love to know if anyone is already using Async Ruby or even Async Ruby On Rails out in the wild. What has been your experience with it so far?