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What's Homebrew 🍺?

In simples Term is an alternative way to the app store on apple or many of the linux appstore or application manager.

So What can this Homebrew thing do?

Glad you asked. so its a Terminal application or a CLI (Command Line Interface) package Manager that let you install any app into mac or linux Distribution with a single command from the terminal. 🤯

You no longer need to download a .dmg package and drag and drop it to the app folder, those days are over

First I would list out some command and outputs from the terminals.

most likely if you have a mac you have homebrew install already if not copy the following command in you terminal and hit enter.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
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One of the most important command is the Search:

brew search firefox

==> Formulae

==> Casks
firefox-beta                                            firefox-esr                                             firefox
firefox-developer-edition ✔                             firefox-nightly                                         multifirefox
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To install it You just need use the brew install firefox-beta this is how you install packages and apps

Formulae are CLI APP or terminal based program, with no user interface or visual interface.

Casks are Desktop application like the .dmg packages or the .exe files on the good old windows.

This is not mean to be a guide or a how to or anything like that but just a quick look and a way to improve my writing.


HOMEBREW DOCS <-- Official Docs
HOMEBREW FORMULAE <--To Search for Formulae

  • NOTE: This is one of 30 blogs that I would be attempting to write over the next 30 days to improve my writing skills.

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