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Godswill Umukoro
Godswill Umukoro

Posted on • Originally published at

How To Quit Vim

Lately, I found myself playing with a lot with Amazon LightSail with the goal of hosting LAMP stack applications. At first, I didn't really like it, but the more I tinkered with LightSail did I get more comfortable with the service.

Then it got to the point where I had to edit documents directly from the terminal and vim document.php was the first thing that came to mind. After making all my edits, It was time to close vim and continue with my adventure in the world of terminals, then I recalled all the funny memes about the strange impossibility of quitting vim πŸ˜…

Step One: Remember to Escape

Hit esc key on your keyboard

If No Changes Were Made: Quit Vim

Type this command :q accompanied by the enter key on your keyboard

Save changes and Quit Vim

Type this command :x accompanied by the enter key on your keyboard

Quit Vim Without Saving Changes

Type this command :q! accompanied by the enter key on your keyboard

I hope you found this useful. Happy coding!

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