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Cover image for Professional Profile website for a Performer
Henri Fournier
Henri Fournier

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Professional Profile website for a Performer

This is a submission for the Netlify Dynamic Site Challenge: Visual Feast.

What I Built

A professional profile website for a storyteller, actor, singer, playwright, and director based in Toronto. The site features a CSS-only carousel and a masonary-style gallery showcasing performance images.


Masonary-style gallery

Platform Primitives

Using Astro, I leveraged the Netlify Image CDN to automatically optimize all the images used in the carousel, the gallery, and the lightbox-style popup images. Despite being an image heavy website, it stills scores 100 across the board on the Lighthouse performance audit. The best part was that it required almost no extra effort... all I had to do was add the Netlify adapter to my Astro project. Bam!

Top comments (2)

florian_lefebvre profile image
Florian Lefebvre

Awesome job Henri!

at-the-vr profile image

Ok its safe to say I am being spoiled by all these fancy tools. Can I have some CLS please πŸ₯Ί. So glad that those images are wrapped in a button for some sweet a11y πŸ™Œ