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Madhav Jha
Madhav Jha

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Resume Parsing: Insights and Steps to Create Your Own Parser

What is Resume Parsing ?

Resume parsing is the automated process of extracting relevant information from resumes or CVs.
It analyzes the unstructured text of a resume and extracts specific details like contact information, work experience, education, skills, and achievements.
The extracted data is then converted into a structured format, allowing for easy analysis and integration into recruitment systems.

Benefits of Resume Parsing

  • It is a time-saving automation
  • It increases efficiency in candidate screening
  • Improves accuracy in data extraction
  • It standardizes the data extraction and formatting
  • It is scalable for handling large volumes of resumes

What You'll Learn in This Blog:

  1. Resume parsing techniques for different file formats.
  2. Extracting specific details from resumes.
  3. Leveraging NLP techniques and LLM models in parsing.
  4. Handling multicolumn resumes.
  5. Dockerizing the Application: Simplifying Deployment and Scalability
  6. Hosting it on AWS EC2.

Let's get Started πŸŽ‰

As I have developed this application during my internship, please refer to the complete blog post available here.
Elitmus: resume-parsing-insights-and-steps-to-create-your-own-parser


  • In conclusion, resume parsing using NLP techniques offers a streamlined approach to extract crucial information from resumes, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of candidate screening.
  • By leveraging OCR, named entity recognition, and line sweep algorithms, we can handle various resume formats, including multicolumn layouts.
  • The power of NLP and LLM models automates the parsing process, empowering recruiters to efficiently process resumes and make informed hiring decisions.
  • Embracing resume parsing techniques ensures fair and objective evaluation of applicants, leading to successful recruitment outcomes.
  • With this skillset, you can revolutionize resume processing and contribute to more efficient hiring practices.

If you have any questions, doubts, or just want to say hi, feel free to reach out to me at! I'm always ready to chat about this cool project and help you out. Don't be shy, drop me a line and let's geek out together!

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