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Beyond the Mockery: The Importance of Skilled COBOL Developers in Modern Business


Have you ever watched a popular YouTuber mock something you care about for 33 long minutes? That's what happened to me when I saw a recent video in which a well-known personality reacted to an article about COBOL. As someone who has experience with COBOL and understands its continued relevance in modern business, I found the tone of the video dismissive and frustrating.

It's true that COBOL is an older programming language that's less attractive to many modern developers. But that doesn't mean it's irrelevant or that those who work with it are somehow less skilled or important. In fact, companies that rely on COBOL systems need experienced developers more than ever, and the shortage of skilled professionals poses real risks to their operations.

In this article, I want to shed light on the challenges that modern companies face when trying to hire new developers for COBOL systems. I'll explore the reasons for the talent shortage, the implications of outdated systems, and potential solutions to the problem. It's time to move beyond the dismissive attitudes and recognize the value of COBOL professionals in our increasingly digital world.

The Challenge of Hiring COBOL Developers

COBOL is an older programming language that was developed in the late 1950s and early 1960s. It was designed to be highly readable and efficient, with a focus on business applications. For many years, COBOL was the primary language used for writing financial, administrative, and other mission-critical applications.

However, as newer programming languages emerged, COBOL fell out of favor with many developers. It's often perceived as outdated and less exciting than newer languages like Java, Python, or JavaScript. This has resulted in a shortage of developers with COBOL expertise, making it difficult for companies to hire new talent to maintain their legacy systems.

There are several reasons why COBOL is less attractive to modern developers. One reason is that it's not a widely taught language in computer science curricula. Many new developers may never encounter COBOL until they start working with legacy systems. Additionally, COBOL is seen as less dynamic than other languages, which may make it less appealing to developers who enjoy working on cutting-edge technologies.

Moreover, newer languages like Java or Python have much larger and active communities, more advanced frameworks, and a more modern development environment. All of these factors make these newer languages more attractive to young developers who are looking for more exciting job opportunities.

Another challenge that modern companies face when hiring COBOL developers is competition with other companies. There are many industries that still rely heavily on COBOL systems, such as banking, finance, and insurance. As a result, companies in these sectors often compete for the same pool of experienced COBOL professionals. This can drive up the cost of hiring, making it even more challenging for businesses to find the talent they need.

Implications of COBOL Talent Shortage

The shortage of COBOL developers has significant implications for businesses that rely on legacy systems. These systems often underpin critical functions such as billing, payroll, and customer records. Without skilled professionals to maintain them, businesses risk facing severe disruptions to their operations.

One potential consequence of the talent shortage is that companies may be forced to continue using outdated systems beyond their intended lifespan. This can be costly, as these systems may become increasingly difficult to maintain and secure over time. It also limits the ability of businesses to innovate and adapt to changing customer needs.

Another risk associated with outdated COBOL systems is security. As systems become more outdated, they become more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. In today's highly interconnected digital landscape, the security of financial and personal data is of utmost importance. Thus, it is critical to keep COBOL systems up-to-date to reduce potential security risks.

Moreover, the cost of hiring skilled COBOL developers is high, and the supply is low. This can create budgetary constraints for businesses that need to maintain their legacy systems, putting pressure on their bottom line. Businesses may have to consider alternative strategies to address the talent shortage, such as investing in training or partnering with educational institutions to develop new talent.

In the worst-case scenario, businesses that cannot find skilled COBOL developers may have to shut down their operations entirely, leading to job losses and negative economic impacts.

Solutions to the COBOL Talent Shortage

Given the challenges that modern companies face when trying to hire new COBOL developers, it's clear that a proactive approach is needed. Here are some potential solutions that businesses can consider to address the talent shortage:

  1. Training and Education Programs: One way to address the talent shortage is to invest in training and education programs that teach new developers the skills needed to work with COBOL systems. This can include in-house training programs or partnering with educational institutions to develop coursework on COBOL.

  2. Collaboration between Businesses and Educational Institutions: Businesses that rely on COBOL systems can collaborate with educational institutions to develop talent pipelines for future COBOL professionals. This can involve developing internships, apprenticeships, or work-study programs that give students hands-on experience working with COBOL systems.

  3. Incentives for Developers: Another approach is to incentivize developers to work with COBOL systems. This can include offering higher salaries or bonuses to COBOL professionals, providing additional training opportunities, or offering more flexible work arrangements.

  4. Modernization of COBOL Systems: Finally, businesses can explore modernizing their COBOL systems to make them more appealing to new developers. This can involve using modern tools and technologies that integrate with COBOL systems, such as API gateways or cloud services.

By adopting these solutions, businesses can help address the talent shortage and ensure the longevity of their COBOL systems. Investing in training and education programs can also help businesses develop a more diverse talent pool, which can provide additional benefits in terms of creativity and problem-solving.

The Importance of Maintaining Legacy Systems

While the challenges of hiring COBOL developers can be significant, it's important to remember that legacy systems play a critical role in modern business. Many companies rely on these systems to process transactions, store customer data, and manage their operations. Without skilled professionals to maintain them, businesses risk significant disruptions to their operations.

Moreover, many legacy systems have been in operation for decades and have accumulated valuable institutional knowledge. These systems may have been customized to meet specific business needs, and the developers who built them may have long since retired or moved on to other roles. This institutional knowledge is valuable and can be difficult to replace, making it even more important to invest in maintaining legacy systems.

Finally, maintaining legacy systems can be a cost-effective approach to providing critical business functions. While modernizing systems can be expensive and time-consuming, maintaining and upgrading legacy systems can often be more cost-effective in the long run. As long as these systems continue to meet business needs and are maintained with appropriate security measures, there may be no need to replace them entirely.

In short, maintaining legacy systems is essential to many businesses. While it may be challenging to find skilled COBOL developers, businesses must take proactive measures to address the talent shortage and ensure the longevity of their systems. Doing so will help businesses continue to provide critical services to their customers, protect their valuable data, and stay ahead of the competition.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the COBOL talent shortage is a significant challenge for modern businesses that rely on legacy systems. The shortage of skilled professionals poses risks to business operations, security, and innovation. However, with proactive measures, such as training and education programs, collaboration with educational institutions, incentives for developers, and modernization of COBOL systems, businesses can address the talent shortage and ensure the continued relevance of COBOL in modern business.

Moreover, it's important to recognize the value of experienced COBOL professionals and the importance of maintaining legacy systems. These systems play a critical role in modern business, and as long as they continue to meet business needs, they should be maintained and upgraded to ensure their longevity.

It's time to move beyond the dismissive attitudes towards COBOL professionals and recognize the critical role they play in modern business. By investing in talent development and system modernization, businesses can ensure the continued relevance of COBOL and meet the challenges of modern business head-on.

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