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Kamal Nayan
Kamal Nayan

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Build a Bot with ZettaBlock GraphQL API

  1. I created a SQL on the ZettaBlock platform.
  2. Creating a Graphql query
  3. Started with the telegram bot.

The left side highlights the data sources and tables available.

data sources and tables

So I started by setting up a new telegram Bot by going to BotFather and following some simple commands mentioned in the below ss.

tele bot

After that I explored the zettablock space for an hour of how things work.

So I executed the steps in this order

  1. Made a Data Query

data query

  1. I created an SQL Query to fetch solana tokens on the mainnet.
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  1. After this I created my API to query the data.

Indexed the data by selecting the name, symbol and supply field

Indexing the data

  1. Got the API key and now opened VS Code.

Initialised the project by installing node-telegram-bot api package and dotenv

  1. Created an index.js script for the bot to fetch the solana tokens metadata Live.

Wrote a simple graphql query to query the data

        data: {
            query: `
                                         "${symbol}", limit: 1 )
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and then passed it to the bot as replymsg for when user passes the symbol of the token as an argument.

    const replyMsg = `
    πŸͺ™ SOL Token Data:
    - Solana Mainnet Token Address: ${data.address}
    - Name: ${}
    - Token: ${data.symbol}

     bot.sendMessage(chatId, replyMsg)
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  1. Opened the telegram bot and It worked ! hurray and that's how an awesome bot was made.

Final work

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