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Kevin Naidoo
Kevin Naidoo

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Why MongoDB is not great for complex reporting?

I use MongoDB for logs and time-series data, which it is usually perfect for. With large datasets ( I am storing 100 million+ time series logs), SQL databases can become sluggish and slow down, even with indexes and optimizing queries.

However, for 90% of my use cases, I still stick with MySQL and other SQL databases.


SQL is mature and easy to work with, especially if you have deep relational data. MongoDB is great for flat document-type data structures.

Here's an example of a painful MongoDB query:

pipeline = [
    '$match': {
      'merchant_id': 2138
  }, {
    '$group': {
      '_id': {
        'date': '$date'
      'menu_special_price': {
        '$min': '$menu_special_price'
      'menu_price': {
        '$max': '$menu_price'
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A simple aggregated pipeline example. This is such a simple task, yet it looks so convoluted.

In SQL, you could do:

MIN(menu_special_price) as min_price,
MAX(menu_price) as max_price
FROM menus
WHERE merchant_id=2138
GROUP BY date; 
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Which is easier to maintain and read?

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