DEV Community

Luca Sepe
Luca Sepe

Posted on

PWSafe Cross Platform password management tool.

Cross Platform simple and secure password management from commandline.

Since the Password Safe file format is open-source and widely used, there are also compatible clients for many platforms.

You can choose to store all your passwords in a single encrypted master password database, or use multiple databases to further organize your passwords (work and home, for example).

Create a new password store (init)

| => pwsafe init -file test.dat
Secret phrase: *****
Secret phrase again: ***** 
πŸ‘ password store 'test.dat' successfully created

Add a new account info (push)

| => pwsafe push -file test.dat -url -user -pass abbraadabbra "My Cool Site"
Secret phrase: *****
πŸ‘ record successfully pushed to store 'test.dat'

Show a summary of all records (list)

| => pwsafe list -file test.dat
Secret phrase: *****
|                         /Users/lucasepe/Temp/test.dat                         |
| TITLE        | CATEGORY | USERNAME              | URL                         |
| My Cool Site |          | | |

Edit / Update a record (push)

| => pwsafe push -file test.dat -category Bank "My Cool Site"
Secret phrase: *****
πŸ‘ record successfully pushed to store 'test.dat'

View a record by it's title (pull)

| => pwsafe pull -file test.dat "my cool site"
Secret phrase: *****
|       /Users/lucasepe/Temp/test.dat        |
| TITLE        : My Cool Site                |
| GROUP        : Bank                        |
| URL          : |
| USERNAME     :       |
| PASSWORD     : abbraadabbra                |
| NOTES        :                             |
| LAST UPDATED : 2019-29-05                  |

Copy a specific field value to clipboard (clip)

Useful if you want to grab the password without showing the record content.

| => pwsafe clip -file test.dat "my cool site"
Secret phrase: *****
πŸ‘ check your clipboard for the content of the field 'pass'
  • by default the password value is copied to clipboard (-pass)
    • you can also specify -url or -user.

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