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Mike Young
Mike Young

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A beginner's guide to the Codellama-7b-Instruct model by Meta on Replicate

This is a simplified guide to an AI model called Codellama-7b-Instruct maintained by Meta. If you like these kinds of guides, you should subscribe to the newsletter or follow me on Twitter.

Model overview

codellama-7b-instruct is a 7 billion parameter Llama model fine-tuned by Meta for coding and conversation. It is part of the Code Llama family of models, which also includes larger versions such as codellama-13b-instruct and codellama-34b-instruct. These models are based on the Llama 2 language model and show improvements on inputs with up to 100,000 tokens. The 7B and 13B versions also support code infilling capabilities, where the model can fill in missing sections of code given the surrounding context.

Model inputs and outputs

The codellama-7b-instruct model takes in prompts and generates text outputs. The inputs can include a system prompt, which helps guide the model's behavior, as well as parameters like temperature, top-k, and top-p to control the sampling. The outputs are generated text, which can be used for a variety of coding and conversational tasks.


  • Prompt: The main text prompt to be used for generation.
  • System Prompt: An optional system prompt that is prepended to the main prompt to help guide the model's behavior.
  • Temperature: Controls the randomness of the generated text, with higher values leading to more diverse outputs.
  • Top-K: Limits the number of most likely tokens to consider during generation.
  • Top-P: Limits the cumulative probability of the most likely tokens to consider during generation.


  • Generated Text: The text generated by the model in response to the input prompt.


The codellama-7b-instruct model is capable of generating human-like responses for a variety of coding and conversational tasks. It can be used for tasks like code completion, code generation, and answering coding-related questions. The model also has the capability to fill in missing sections of code given the surrounding context.

What can I use it for?

The codellama-7b-instruct model can be used for a variety of applications, such as building AI-powered coding assistants, automating code generation workflows, and enhancing conversational interfaces for software development. The model's capabilities can be leveraged by developers, researchers, and businesses to improve productivity, reduce development time, and explore new use cases for large language models in the coding domain.

Things to try

One interesting thing to try with codellama-7b-instruct is its code infilling capabilities. By providing the model with a partially completed code snippet and the surrounding context, you can see how it fills in the missing pieces. This can be helpful for tasks like code completion, bug fixing, and exploring alternative implementations. Another interesting aspect to explore is the model's ability to follow instructions and generate responses that adhere to a specific format, which can be useful for building interactive coding assistants.

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