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F# For Dummys - Day 2 Environment

Setting environments

  • Option 1:

Try it in your browser: when you can access the Internet on your computer
Try F# ( is based on Fable 2.0.11
Fable REPL is based on the latest version

Let's try the lastest version, open

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input or copy and paste code below in the edit area, press the run button on the left sidebar

let hello = "Hello, World!"
printfn $"{hello}"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

you will see the output of your code on the Console window at lower right corner, good start!

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  • Option 2:

Install .NET8 SDK(it includes F#) on your computer

Official guide how to set environment on you computer:

F# Tutorial | Hello World in 5 minutes | .NET (
Windows for example:
download .Net 8 SDK on the turorial page

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or from the releases page
Download .NET 8.0 (Linux, macOS, and Windows) (

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double click the exe file

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click install, follow the hints, click next until it finished
open a new command window

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copy/input the following command on the command window you open just now, to test if your environment is ready

dotnet --version
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


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you can follow the official guide if you're using Linux or macOS, all our code in the following articles will be running on Windows(10/11)

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it should not be a problem if you're not using Windows, as F# is expected to run on Linux or macOS without change, it's not guaranteed 100% though

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