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Cover image for Showcase Your DATA - A simple way using Flask / Simple API / Docker and SQLite

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Showcase Your DATA - A simple way using Flask / Simple API / Docker and SQLite

Hello Coders!

This article presents a simple way to showcase your data using Flask, Chartist and Docker. The product that helps us to achieve this is published on Github (MIT License) and the source code can be copied or used in commercial products or eLearning activities. Thanks for reading!

✨ How it works

  • Users can edit an input file
    • Expected fields: product code, product info, price, currency
  • The INPUT file is loaded via the CLI
  • Database and tables are automatically created
  • Charts are updated accordingly using a simple API and Vanilla JS

Using Docker or manual setup, in less then 1 minute our information saved in the CVS file should be parsed and injected in charts.

✨ Input file Processing

The product comes with two options regarding the loaded information:

  • flask load_data - the command that loads the sales information using a randomized transaction date for a nice distribution over 30Days
  • flask load_random_data - this commands will randomize also the values.

✨ Compile the product

The Docker set up is probably the most convenient way to see the codebase in action

πŸ‘‰ Clone the Sources

$ git clone
$ cd boilerplate-code-flask-dashboard
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

πŸ‘‰ Start in Docker

$ docker-compose up --build 
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Once all commands are executed, we should be able to visit the app in the browser, register new users, authenticate and visualize all metrics provided on main dashboard:

  • Total sales
  • Number of customers, Average order value
  • Timeframe information: report start_date, end_date

Flask Dashboard Boilerplate - Charts.

Sales API Interface

Flask Dashboard Boilerplate - Sales API Interface.

Other Product features

  • Improved authentication
    • Password reset
    • Optional Email confirmation on register
    • Extended User Model
  • Data Tables - paginated information management
  • API via Flast-restX
    • Public API over all items
  • Deployment
    • Docker, HEROKU

For more information, feel free to AMA in the comments section or access the product page. Thank you!

Top comments (4)

crearesite profile image

Looks easy.

sm0ke profile image


uithemes profile image

Really nice! Can I add more fields?

sm0ke profile image

For sure. New fields should be saved in the Data and stats extracted by the API router.
For now is not automatized this process.