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Snehal Rajeev Moon
Snehal Rajeev Moon

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From Coding to Writing: My Unexpected Blogging Journey

I am so happy to be a part of the DEV community. While writing my latest blog, I came across an article about we_coded. WeCoded is an event held by the DEV community on the occasion of Women's Day.
I read some of their blogs, and I felt happy to see the DEV community were encouraging and supporting womens.
It filled me with pride that I am part of such an inclusive and supportive community. Moreover, I thought to share my journey with my fellow developers and build connections with like-minded people.

I am here to share my blogging journey with you and how I started writing the blog from being a professional developer to a blogger.

As a professional developer, I never thought of stepping into the world of blogging. However, one fine day my husband (Rajeev) made an unexpected suggestion "Why don't you write a blog?" This helps beginners struggling to find a solution, or searching for a simple and basic informative blog which makes them kick-start their journey into the world of technology.

When I first heard of that I was taken aback. I had so many questions in my mind how do I do that? I am not into writing, what if there were no readers? But his faith in me made me overcome that fear.

I researched many different blogging platforms, weighed the pros and cons and finally settled on one which suited me.
Now my biggest challenge is to find my writing voice as a developer I always communicate in code. Further, I started researching how to write content, and on which topics should I write first. What technology it must be?

I started with small tips and tricks, and coding tutorials in steps. I enjoyed converting complex concepts into simple and smallest steps. While writing from my very first blog to another, I thought I would not write more than two to three blogs, but I was wrong. I am deeply involved and I enjoying it. Though I am not good at writing content, I believe I am improving day by day with each blog post.
Moreover, comments from the readers overwhelm me to write more.

It wasn't always an easy task. There were days when I felt sad and wondered if anyone was even reading my posts. Is anyone interested in it? But by considering my husband's (Rajeev's) faith in me and trusting myself, my love for coding would shine through. So I keep on writing.

Staring a blog is not an easy task and requires patience, but it's been worth it. It has its challenges which grow me as a writer as well as a good coder. It introduced me to a wonderful community of like-minded people.

This is my journey from developer to blogger. I can't wait to see where it takes me next.

Thank you for reading. Please forgive me for any mistakes, as I am still learning and growing.

Happy Reading and Happy Coding!!
❀️ πŸ¦„

Top comments (19)

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Woohoo! Good stuff, Snehal.

So cool to hear about your husband being supportive and encouraging you to write and share what ya know. That's really nice to hear. πŸ˜€

It's great to have ya in the community and thanks for sharing your knowledge with us!

snehalkadwe profile image
Snehal Rajeev Moon

Thank you! @michaeltharrington 😊 I'll do my best to contribute more to the community. Yes, he is indeed very supportive.

cbid2 profile image
Christine Belzie • Edited
snehalkadwe profile image
Snehal Rajeev Moon

Thank you for your kind words, @cbid2! 😊 It's wonderful to hear that you started blogging to help beginners too. I'll definitely check them out! And thank you for mentioning @blackgirlbytes' guide as well; I'm always on the lookout for valuable resources to improve my writing skills. Cheers to empowering and supporting each other in the blogging community! 🌟

tqbit profile image

Great to see you took the dive into writing. I checked out your articles and really like the brief, on-point topics you write about.

Good luck on your way forward :-)

snehalkadwe profile image
Snehal Rajeev Moon

Thank you @tqbit, your words means a lot. πŸ˜ƒ

pwd9000 profile image

Such an amazing story!
Transitioning from coding to writing represents a powerful testament to the diverse talents and career pathways within the tech industry. Embracing this journey underscores the importance of recognizing and nurturing individual passions, ultimately enriching both the individual's experience and the broader tech community. Well done and welcome :)

snehalkadwe profile image
Snehal Rajeev Moon

Thank You!! @pwd9000

ilizette profile image

Thank you for sharing your story, The dev community is truly an amazing one. I'm glad you had support from your husband and other readers. Your articles are helpful and I hope you keep writing more 😁

snehalkadwe profile image
Snehal Rajeev Moon • Edited

Thank you @ilizette. Yes, it is an amazing community.
I will try my best to provide a good articles to my readers πŸ˜ƒ

ludamillion profile image
Luke Inglis

Thank you for reading. Please forgive for any mistakes, as I am still learning and growing.

And thank you for writing. This is one of the reasons writing/blogging is great for engineers. Needing to know enough about something to be able to write about it really supercharges learning. Sometimes the best way to learn something, or test you knowledge at least, is to try to explain it to someone else.

cadienvan profile image
Michael Di Prisco

Support around you is the best thing you can have in such a great journey, keep going!

snehalkadwe profile image
Snehal Rajeev Moon

Thank you!! Yes, it plays an important role in our life. πŸ˜ƒ

byrontosh profile image

Great Job and don't forget don't give up

snehalkadwe profile image
Snehal Rajeev Moon

Thank you!!
Yes, I will never give up and will try my best to provide good stuff to my readers.

pavelee profile image
PaweΕ‚ Ciosek

Great post! πŸ‘ Keep it up! πŸ™

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt β˜•

Starting and writtings posts, is a good challenge, and you've risen to the challenge, considering the number of articles! It's amazing! πŸ™ŒπŸ₯³

akashdev23 profile image
Akash Dev

wowww that's so cooll... I also have more or less the same story. It's great to read such posts. Keep uploading.

catherineisonline profile image
Ekaterine Mitagvaria

Good job on leaving your comfort zone and giving a try to a new experience. Blogging can be very challenging sometimes but it's an amazing experience. And as a big bonus, it connects us with awesome people. Happy coding and blogging!