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Interact with Midjourney using Discord API • Part I

This practical guide shows you how to create basic automation using Midjourney /imagine command as an example.

For this exercise, you’ll need Discord account with active Midjourney subscription, $10 Basic Plan will do just fine.

Follow these simple steps to obtain:

  • Discord server id number, referenced in this article as server_id

  • Discord channel id number, referenced in this article as channel_id

  • Discord token, referenced in this article as discord_token

We will be using listed below Discord API public endpoints:

  • Application Commands to get Midjourney imagine command details and post imagine interaction to desired Discord channel

  • Get Channel Messages to retrieve imagine interaction(s) results (messages) from Discord channel

Please feel free to use public Postman collection referencing Discord API mentioned in this article. Make sure to place your values into collection variables and save them before executing GET and POST collection calls:

Image description

Discord API authorization

All Discord API calls mentioned here require HTTP Authorization header with discord_token, example:

Authorization: discord_token
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Retrieve imagine Discord interaction details

Execute application-commands GET request

Response body:

    "applications": [
            "id": "936929561302675456",
            "name": "Midjourney Bot",
            "icon": "f6ce562a6b4979c4b1cbc5b436d3be76",
            "description": "Generate an image based on a text prompt in under 60 seconds using the </imagine:938956540159881230> command!\n\n",
            "summary": "",
            "type": null,
            "bot": {
                "id": "936929561302675456",
                "username": "Midjourney Bot",
                "global_name": null,
                "avatar": "f6ce562a6b4979c4b1cbc5b436d3be76",
                "discriminator": "9282",
                "public_flags": 589824,
                "bot": true,
                "avatar_decoration_data": null
    "application_commands": [
            "id": "938956540159881230",
            "application_id": "936929561302675456",
            "version": "1118961510123847772",
            "default_member_permissions": null,
            "type": 1,
            "nsfw": false,
            "name": "imagine",
            "description": "Create images with Midjourney",
            "dm_permission": true,
            "contexts": [
            "integration_types": [
            "options": [
                    "type": 3,
                    "name": "prompt",
                    "description": "The prompt to imagine",
                    "required": true
    "cursor": {
        "previous": "WzExNTE1NDQ4NzM4MjA4OTMzMDYsIDAsIDkzODk1NjU0MDE1OTg4MTIzMF0=",
        "next": null,
        "repaired": false
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

We will need application_commands[0] object which has imagine command details, let’s extract it for future references:

            "id": "938956540159881230",
            "application_id": "936929561302675456",
            "version": "1118961510123847772",
            "default_member_permissions": null,
            "type": 1,
            "nsfw": false,
            "name": "imagine",
            "description": "Create images with Midjourney",
            "dm_permission": true,
            "contexts": [
            "integration_types": [
            "options": [
                    "type": 3,
                    "name": "prompt",
                    "description": "The prompt to imagine",
                    "required": true
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Compose and execute imagine interaction to desired Discord channel

Execute interactions POST request

Request payload:

    "type": 2,
    "application_id": "936929561302675456",
    "guild_id": "server_id",
    "channel_id": "channel_id",
    "session_id": "random integer number",
    "data": {
        "version": "1118961510123847772",
        "id": "938956540159881230",
        "name": "imagine",
        "type": 1,
        "options": [
                "type": 3,
                "name": "prompt",
                "value": "YOUR MIDJOURNEY PROMPT GOES HERE"
        "application_command": {
            "id": "938956540159881230",
            "application_id": "936929561302675456",
            "version": "1118961510123847772",
            "default_member_permissions": null,
            "type": 1,
            "nsfw": false,
            "name": "imagine",
            "description": "Create images with Midjourney",
            "dm_permission": true,
            "contexts": [
            "integration_types": [
            "options": [
                    "type": 3,
                    "name": "prompt",
                    "description": "The prompt to imagine",
                    "required": true
        "attachments": []
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  • Fields application_id and application_command should be set to values extracted in step above.

  • Place your Midjourney prompt into data.options[0].value field.

  • session_id can be just any random integer number, if you using linked above Postman collection this value will be autogenerated by Postman.

HTTP Response Status should be 204 No Content, any other response status indicate problem with your payload.

Finally retrieve imagine command results

Execute messages GET request

Response body (redacted for brevity):

        "id": "<Discord message id>",
        "type": 0,
        "content": "**YOUR MIDJOURNEY PROMPT GOES HERE --s 750 --v 5.2** - <@.Discord user id> (fast)",
        "channel_id": "<Discord channel id>",
        "attachments": [
              "url": "<generated image url>",
              "proxy_url": "<generated proxy image url>",
              "width": 2048,
              "height": 2048,
              "content_type": "<generated image type>",
              "id": "<Discord image id>",
              "filename": "<generated image name>",
              "size": 7204115
        "components": [
                "type": 1,
                "components": [
                        "type": 2,
                        "custom_id": "MJ::JOB::upsample::1::45e9bf62-5f3d-4bd6-a567-958af28f15d3",
                        "style": 2,
                        "label": "U1"
                        "type": 2,
                        "custom_id": "MJ::JOB::upsample::2::45e9bf62-5f3d-4bd6-a567-958af28f15d3",
                        "style": 2,
                        "label": "U2"
                        "type": 2,
                        "custom_id": "MJ::JOB::upsample::3::45e9bf62-5f3d-4bd6-a567-958af28f15d3",
                        "style": 2,
                        "label": "U3"
                        "type": 2,
                        "custom_id": "MJ::JOB::upsample::4::45e9bf62-5f3d-4bd6-a567-958af28f15d3",
                        "style": 2,
                        "label": "U4"
                        "type": 2,
                        "custom_id": "MJ::JOB::reroll::0::45e9bf62-5f3d-4bd6-a567-958af28f15d3::SOLO",
                        "style": 2,
                        "emoji": {
                            "name": "🔄"
                "type": 1,
                "components": [
                        "type": 2,
                        "custom_id": "MJ::JOB::variation::1::45e9bf62-5f3d-4bd6-a567-958af28f15d3",
                        "style": 2,
                        "label": "V1"
                        "type": 2,
                        "custom_id": "MJ::JOB::variation::2::45e9bf62-5f3d-4bd6-a567-958af28f15d3",
                        "style": 2,
                        "label": "V2"
                        "type": 2,
                        "custom_id": "MJ::JOB::variation::3::45e9bf62-5f3d-4bd6-a567-958af28f15d3",
                        "style": 2,
                        "label": "V3"
                        "type": 2,
                        "custom_id": "MJ::JOB::variation::4::45e9bf62-5f3d-4bd6-a567-958af28f15d3",
                        "style": 2,
                        "label": "V4"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The Discord endpoint for messages returns the top 50 messages from channel_id, with the most recent returned first. Depending on Midjourney settings and servers load, it can take anywhere from approximately 20 seconds (fast mode) to 10 minutes (relax mode) to generate an image.

You can execute the above call in the loop with 10…20 secs delay between calls until components array is not empty. Then extract the generated image from attachments[0].url field.

In our next article, we will cover ways to detect Midjourney prompt moderation, the execution of Midjourney upscale or create variations and enhance or modify button commands.

Subscribe to stay informed.

Please visit to learn more about Midjourney API

Top comments (7)

useapi profile image

Part II covering:

  • Discord rate limits
  • Midjourney moderation system
  • Midjourney /imagine generation logic wtih working JavaScript code
yx208 profile image


annreyes_sa profile image
Ann Reyes

@useapi the POST request is showing a 400 Bad Request status and returns an error message: "This command is outdated, please try again in a few minutes"

useapi profile image

@annreyes_sa make sure to retrieve imagine Discord interaction details first to ensure you're using most recent version: GET request
Midjourney had multiple updates since article was published, you will need to update code with most recent values before running it again.

ewerton_moreira_32f2047ab profile image
Ewerton Moreira

I am getting these results. Looks like I don't get any data.
"applications": [],
"application_commands": [],
"cursor": {
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"repaired": false

Looks like the MJ app data does not return anything on the channel.

al_can_66d529e449abb709af profile image
Al Can

Update "data": {
"version": <== this

bilalwohlig profile image

I followed all the steps but when I did this step
Execute application-commands GET request
I was getting this response
"applications": [],
"application_commands": [],
"cursor": {
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"repaired": false
Can someone please advise on what am I doing wrong
Thank you