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Yan Fernandes
Yan Fernandes

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How to use Semantic commits properly

Semantic commit messages provide a structured and standardized way of communicating the nature of changes made in a commit. By adhering to a specific format, such as the Angular convention, developers can easily understand the purpose and impact of each commit within a project's version control history. Below are examples of semantic commit messages along with their descriptions:

feat: Adding a new feature

*Add user authentication*

Adds a new middleware to handle user authentication in the system.
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fix: Fixing bugs

*Fix typo in login form*

Corrects a small typo issue in the HTML code of the login form.
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chore: Maintenance tasks

*Update project dependencies*

Updates dependency versions to the latest stable releases.
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docs: Updating documentation

*Update API documentation*

Includes additional examples and details on using the REST API in the README.
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style: Code style improvements

*Apply consistent code formatting*

Standardizes code formatting using prettier to ensure consistency.
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refactor: Code refactoring

*Refactor authentication logic*

Reorganizes code to improve readability and maintainability.
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test: Adding or modifying tests

*Add unit test for user service*

Includes a new unit test to ensure the integrity of the user service.
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build: Changes affecting the build system or external dependencies

*Update Node.js version to 14.0.0*

Updates the Node.js version to the latest available LTS version.
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ci: Changes related to configuration and continuous integration

*Set up GitHub Actions for test execution*

Defines a workflow in GitHub Actions to automate project testing.
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These examples demonstrate how semantic commit messages can provide clarity and context to the changes made in a project. While the specific keywords and formats may vary, maintaining consistency and informativeness in commit messages is essential for effective collaboration and project management.

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