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Do You Procrastinate? staff on April 28, 2024

Do you struggle with procrastination? Share your tips for staying productive and getting stuff done. We all could use some new ideas. Don't bookma...
moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I literally opened this tab to answer it at 8AM. It's now 9:43.

t0ha profile image
Anton Shvein

Yes. Write now I'm writing this answer instead of debugging my bot for Coze AI Bot Challenge. BTW, you are welcome to try it.

safebytelabs-jgonf profile image
Jonathan González

Not at all. My 2 cent to avoid procrastination:

  • Everything on the calendar. What is not there literally it doesn't exist to me.
  • Delivery of whatever by agreed calendar dates. Not before, not after.
  • Hot topics and things that potentially screw my day, I tackle that first thing early in the morning with a jar of hot coffee (use your preferred brew here).
  • Lunch time must be respected and I normally do it alone to rest my mind.
  • By end of the day, long walk alone, swimming or gym.
  • Before sleep time or while in bed, a podcast .... and bye bye.

Eat. Code. Exercise. Sleep. Repeat.

martinbaun profile image

I'll get back to you on that rq

montyharper profile image
Monty Harper

I'll tell you later.

best_codes profile image
Best Codes

Me to Dev: “Of course I do!”
Me to potential employers: “Procrastinate? What is that? No way, I never procrastinate!!”

best_codes profile image
Best Codes

Me to potential employers who see that comment…

kurealnum profile image

Yes, very much so. I find that I procrastinate a lot more when I don't get enough sleep or when I don't sleep well. Even 15 minutes less than my regularly scheduled 8 hours gets me to procrastinate more xD.

nombrekeff profile image

100% YES, but only when the work is boring as hell. But if I'm interested in the work, I do the opposite of procrastinating. I have to say that it's not bad per se, i think it's a method of surviving the stress and hardship of the job in many situations. But this is only the case if you don't attach negative connotations to it. Understand why you are procrastinating and if it's good or bad in that situation. If it's chronic it's another story though.

akashdev23 profile image
Akash Dev

Yes a lot..

fyodorio profile image

I don’t answer to that, gonna doomscroll twitters instead… 🥱

suzukistumpy profile image
Mark Edwards

Oh, definitely. After all, I'm sitting here writing this instead of doing the productive work which I should be doing...

gaael-dev profile image
Gaël Dubois

I procrastinate a horrible lot.

After highschool, for years I've thought I was lazy and that I would never get anything done. Then I became a nurse, worked 13 hours shifts and got a lot done, and I understood that I was not lazy but struggled with motivation.

Fast-forward a few years, I got diagnosed with ADD (ADHD without hyperactivity) and started the journey of understanding how my brain works and how I can work with it instead of against it.

There are lots of tips out there about how to make todo lists, how to take advantage calendars and reminders, how to set timers and use the pomodoro technique...
They all shared one downside (for me): when I set up a system, at the beginning I use it and it helps me, but after a short period of time (can be a few days or a few weeks) there is always one moment where I don't use the system. And then I never use it again, because it feels impossibly hard to go back to it.
It took me a few therapists and a few years to understand that my ADHD was made much worse by my perfectionnism. And here I don't mean perfectionnism as in what's your worst default? oh I'm a perfectionnist kind of interview bullshit, but as a real struggle that my brain uses as an avoidance strategy:

Brain: so I heard work/project/maintaining a clean house is hard, right? Let's not do it then, and procrastinate, and fail not because we're not good enough but because we didn't give a f*k, that's a lot less dangerous for our self-esteem
: well we've used this strategy extensively in the past and it did not yield great results, so this time I've got a plan, we'll use **TOOL #X*
It works great for a time, then life happens and either I fail to use the system or the system because too much stuff fell through the cracks
Brain: oh look, it did not work this one time, so it's not perfect
Me: yeah but it's ok, we still do better with the system than without
Brain: didn't you hear me? It's not perfect, so there's absolutely no point in using it!
Me: but...
Brain: so we're gonna spend the day researching how Sway differs from Hyprland, reinstall our laptop, start configuring it and be bored just before it becomes usable

My therapist at the time really helped me to understand that as long as I didn't get a better understanding of why I was perfectionnist with a tendancy to self-sabotage, I would have trouble setting up systems that could help me and last long enough to make a difference.

And to the surprise of nobody, this all had roots in my self-esteem problems, and working on this really starts to make a difference.
I'm now able to tell myself that this comment is good enough, even if it's too long, probably has a few typos and weird phrasing (not a native english speaker) so I'll post it and go back to learning CS instead of spending the next 3 hours trying to fix it!

Have a good day everyone!

PS: Also, for me, using more paper and less digital for my calendar and todo lists tends to work better.

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Yes. A lot.

codekrypton0 profile image

Yes, It's the most horrible thing I ever faced.
I saw the calendar every day and marked down the day It has been approx 110 days.
I improved a little bit but I can do it better Procrastination destroys everything
Can anyone tell me how to escape from Procrastination?

zen_warrior profile image
Abir Hasan

Yes I used to procrastinate a lot! The main reason behind the procrastination is negative self talks running behind the brain.
Watch your thoughts, then replace those thoughts with positive ones. Try mindfulness meditation and work without judgement.

baenencalin profile image
Calin Baenen

Yes, unfortunately.
I need to pick up some slack - but school, and other things, make me sooo lazy.

stefanmoore profile image
Stefan Moore

Yes, I do. Only if I could get paid to do it.

My best tip is to try to tackle as soon as possible.

isabela192 profile image

In recent times I feel like I procrastinated a little less which isn't much... I mean, I started to develop a blog site 4 years ago and still not even halfway there

mistval profile image

I try to stay goal-oriented as opposed to time-oriented. That is, "I need to do X, Y, and Z" today rather than "I need to sit in front of the keyboard for X hours". If I finish early, great.

cacilhas profile image
Montegasppα Cacilhας

All the time.

ccoveille profile image
Christophe Colombier

I waited before replying … wait I tell you if I do in a moment … maybe

ddebajyati profile image
Debajyati Dey

I decided to start practice coding from 10 am. But I somehow ended up wasting 6 hours in playing a game and started coding at 5pm instead.

bugmagnet profile image
Bruce Axtens

Guilty as charged.

sarahokolo profile image
sahra 💫

Too much, unfortunately 😮‍💨. Most especially if it's work.