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Best platform for a MERN app deployment (Heroku or ?

Which platform do you think is best for a MERN app deployment

I asked this question many times on Reddit, now I wanna know what community has to say.

If you know any better alternatives, feel free to share

Top comments (3)

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇 • Edited

Best for what? Which are the metrics that impact most on your business?

Do you...

  • prefer something technically easy to do?
  • you don't care about the money but you prefer to avoid moving a muscle in the process?
  • prefer something cheaper at expenses of late cost?
  • prefer something expensive to implement but cheaper in the long run?
  • anything that is easy to maintain?

Do you know how many resources your WebApp needs to run?
How it escales as the number of users increase?
Do you plan any marketing operation that may increase the peak user count in a given point of time?
Is it a monolyth?
how many services it's composed of?
Is just a personal project to play with?

There's no thing to rule them all in software development, each tool or product comes to solve a need (sometimes a couple of them) and has it's market share from that, so you need to know which are the key points to you in order to get the best options for your needs.

The previous paragraph can be applied to any language, framework, lib, tool, product, vendor... Then there are two types of people, the ones who have preferences (they defend a single tech as it's the only thing that exists in the world) and the ones that have formed opinions (they digged deep to know whether something is a good tech and for what it can be useful plus are aware of the bad things on the tech they use).


ushieru profile image
Ushieru Kokoran 😁

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I think should be considered