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Akash Pattnaik
Akash Pattnaik

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7 Secret Websites Every Developer Should Know

Introduction ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Developers are constantly seeking new resources to enhance their skills and productivity. While there are well-known websites like Stack Overflow and GitHub that are widely used by developers, there are also some hidden gems on the internet that can provide valuable tools, insights, and support. In this article, we will unveil seven secret websites that every developer should know. These websites cover a range of topics and offer unique features that can significantly benefit developers in their daily work. So, let's dive into the world of these hidden treasures and discover how they can elevate your development journey.

Table of Contents ๐Ÿ’ป

  • Codecademy - Interactive Learning Platform
  • HackerRank - Coding Challenges and Competitions
  • CSS-Tricks - CSS Tips, Tricks, and Techniques
  • DevDocs - Comprehensive Documentation Aggregator
  • Can I Use - Browser Compatibility Database
  • Codrops - Web Design and Development Resources
  • MDN Web Docs - Mozilla Developer Network Documentation

Codecademy - Interactive Learning Platform

Codecademy is an excellent platform for developers to learn various programming languages interactively. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced coder, Codecademy offers courses on popular languages like Python, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. The platform provides a hands-on approach to learning, allowing you to practice coding directly in the browser. With its intuitive interface and interactive exercises, Codecademy is a go-to resource for developers looking to expand their skillset.

HackerRank - Coding Challenges and Competitions

HackerRank is more than just a coding platform; it is a community of developers who love challenges. The website offers a vast collection of coding challenges and competitions in different domains such as algorithms, data structures, and artificial intelligence. Developers can solve these challenges to enhance their problem-solving skills and even participate in global coding competitions. HackerRank also provides a platform for recruiters to evaluate candidates' coding abilities, making it a valuable resource for job seekers in the tech industry.

CSS-Tricks - CSS Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

CSS-Tricks is a treasure trove of valuable information for front-end developers. It provides in-depth articles, tutorials, and examples related to CSS, Sass, and other front-end technologies. Whether you want to explore advanced CSS techniques or find solutions to common CSS challenges, CSS-Tricks has got you covered. The website also features a vibrant community where developers can share their insights, ask questions, and learn from others' experiences.

DevDocs - Comprehensive Documentation Aggregator

DevDocs is a comprehensive documentation aggregator that brings together documentation from various programming languages, frameworks, and libraries in one place. Instead of searching for documentation across multiple websites, DevDocs allows developers to access all the necessary documentation from a single interface. The website offers offline support, keyboard shortcuts, and customizable themes, making it a convenient and efficient tool for developers who frequently reference documentation during their work.

Can I Use - Browser Compatibility Database

Browser compatibility is a critical consideration for web developers. Can I Use is a website that provides a comprehensive database on browser support for various web technologies. By entering a specific HTML, CSS, or JavaScript feature, developers can quickly see which browsers support it and which ones don't. This information enables developers to make informed decisions when choosing which features to implement, ensuring a smooth and consistent user experience across different browsers.

Codrops - Web Design and Development Resources

Codrops is a remarkable resource for developers interested in web design and development. The website offers tutorials, articles, and cutting-edge examples of creative web technologies and techniques. From innovative navigation patterns to stunning visual effects, Codrops showcases the latest trends in web design. By exploring Codrops, developers can find inspiration and learn how to incorporate these modern approaches into their own projects.

MDN Web Docs - Mozilla Developer Network Documentation

MDN Web Docs, maintained by Mozilla, is an extensive resource for web developers. It provides detailed documentation on web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more. What sets MDN Web Docs apart is its community-driven approach, ensuring that the information is accurate, up-to-date, and reliable. The website also includes interactive code examples and guides for developers of all levels. MDN Web Docs is a go-to reference for developers looking for detailed explanations and practical examples.

Conclusion ๐Ÿ“ฑ

In the ever-evolving world of technology, developers must stay updated with the latest tools and resources. The seven secret websites mentioned in this article are a valuable addition to any developer's arsenal. From interactive learning platforms to comprehensive documentation aggregators and coding challenges, each website offers unique benefits that can enhance your coding skills, boost productivity, and foster a sense of community. So, start exploring these hidden gems and unlock new opportunities on your developer journey.

Top comments (4)

artydev profile image

Thank you๐Ÿ™‚

shubhamt619 profile image
Shubham Thakur

Hi !
Lovely article.
The DevDocs link is broken.

akashpattnaik profile image
Akash Pattnaik

thanks a lot for informing!

hackreveal profile image
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Prakash Tiwari

hey guys check my profile i have uploaded many articles for you

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