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Juan Stoppa

Software engineer working in #fintech - Views are my own

Query your database with AI using LangChain and Gradio

Query your database with AI using LangChain and Gradio

5 min read

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Setting up Fast API in IIS and run APIs in Python

Setting up Fast API in IIS and run APIs in Python

3 min read
DEMO - Voice to PDF - Complete PDF documents with voice commands using the Claude 3 Opus API

DEMO - Voice to PDF - Complete PDF documents with voice commands using the Claude 3 Opus API

4 min read
Getting started with Azure OpenAI

Getting started with Azure OpenAI

6 min read
Exploring the GPT-4 with Vision API using Images and Videos

Exploring the GPT-4 with Vision API using Images and Videos

Comments 1
8 min read
Open Banking - what is it and how does it work?

Open Banking - what is it and how does it work?

Comments 3
5 min read