DEV Community

Lindsey Kopacz
Lindsey Kopacz

Posted on

Announcement: a11y for JavaScript Devs Course coming!

Hey all,

When I read Rian Rietveld's announcement about resigning from the WordPress a11y team, it really got me thinking. The pain point seemed to be a lack of overlap between React/JS developers and accessibility experts. This is a pain point that I've been well aware of for years, as many JavaScript developers get resistant to me pointing out accessibility errors. I've never understood this resistance, but I am going to assume that people are more intimidated and/or overwhelmed by fixing the errors and they would feel empowered with some solid foundational knowledge.

I started asking in the DCTech Slack about my thoughts on creating a course on accessibility for JavaScript developers. I asked if they would be willing to buy it if I created a course. The response I got was overwhelmingly positive-everyone said some form of yes.

Then I took it to Twitter:

At the time of this writing, the results are 87% yes. To be frank, I was always planning on creating this course, just not this soon. But the demand is apparent, so I am changing my plans a bit.

I would LOVE your feedback on any specific pain points you hear about accessibility and JavaScript. Please comment below!

Also, if you're interested in this, I am creating a list of emails JUST for updates pertaining to this course. Please subscribe if you want to take this course, and I will be giving my subscribers a discount on it when it comes out.

Top comments (2)

jerodsanto profile image
Jerod Santo

Great idea, Lindsey! ๐Ÿ’š

We recently dedicated an episode of JS Party to this very topic. I'd love for you to give it a listen and let me know what you think. Perhaps we can have you on the show sometime soon to further the discussion? ๐Ÿคž

lkopacz profile image
Lindsey Kopacz

That is awesome! I will take a listen and let you know what I think!