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Vaarun Sinha

I am Vaarun Sinha, A self-taught full stack software developer. I also am the CTO of Digitea.

Location Mumbai, India Joined Joined on  Email address github website twitter website



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Top 7
Handling errors like a pro in python with sys.excepthook😎

Handling errors like a pro in python with sys.excepthook😎

1 min read

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The Art Of Asking Good Questions

The Art Of Asking Good Questions

Comments 15
2 min read
My first hackathon went horribly wrong!

My first hackathon went horribly wrong!

Comments 8
2 min read
My Second Hackathon Was Awesome! Here are some tips for a great hackathon.

My Second Hackathon Was Awesome! Here are some tips for a great hackathon.

Comments 4
1 min read
Thanks For 100 Followers!

Thanks For 100 Followers!

1 min read
Why Conferences Can Be So Important For You, As A Developer.

Why Conferences Can Be So Important For You, As A Developer.

Comments 2
2 min read
What is random.shuffle() method in python? How to use it?

What is random.shuffle() method in python? How to use it?

Comments 1
1 min read
How to make a password generator with python.

How to make a password generator with python.

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3 min read
Why you should never use random module for generating passwords.

Why you should never use random module for generating passwords.

Comments 4
2 min read
Python Program To Find If A word/number is a palindrome or not.

Python Program To Find If A word/number is a palindrome or not.

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2 min read