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👭 Women suffrage dates (suffragettes) celebration w/ data 🗳️

🤗 Context

This week, my country (France) celebrated the 80 years of women suffrage right: I wondered how were women's suffrage rights going worldwide.

👉 This post is dedicated to that specific topic, and its aim is to provide the data to perform a data-centric storytelling.

🔖 Key points

  1. About women suffrage rights, in France and in the world... and women empowerment
  2. Focus on France and the "suffragettes" movement
  3. Top 3 countries
  4. Top countries in Europe
  5. Top countries in Oceania
  6. Top regions
  7. Focus on USA : about women and human rights for minorities/autochtones

🍿 Demo

📑 Resources

Top comments (4)

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

This is really cool, @adriens. I love seeing these data points and this is one awesome series. Really appreciate ya sharing it! 💚

adriens profile image

Hey Michael, thanks a lot for the kind words. Yup, I told myself that in these times of political uncertainty, injecting some positive good vibes for women and democracy would be interesting and hopefyll have a positive impact.
Hopefully other people will can use this dataset to produce some other cool things 🙏🤞

adriens profile image

adriens profile image