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Mushfiqur Rahman Abir
Mushfiqur Rahman Abir

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Organize Your Digital Study Materials Quickly Using This Tool

Digital Study Stuffs

Education nowadays has become so much digital that almost all of our study materials can be kept inside a tiny pen-drive. But in the end managing all of the files for all of the courses becomes very challenging and overwhelming, especially when you're a computer science student like me and if you are a student like me who likes to keep his study materials organized and quick to lookup for later on then this post is for you. In this post I will share about a tool which I have created & use for organizing my study files quickly which saves a lot of time and hassle in each semester.


If you are in a hurry these are the main links you will need in this post -

Why I Build This Tool?

So let me share my story behind deciding to make this tool. As a computer science student, I keep all my notes, PDF books, teachers lecture slides, lab works, assignments, coding and many more all in one place specifically a pen-drive is of my preference. And I tend to keep the files in a Semester by Semester and then Subject by Subject order and sometimes I nest the files into more specific sub-directories for more useful management.

But the problem I was facing was that in each semester starting I had to manually create all the folders one by one and create the subject's folder one by one which was very tedious. And at that time, I thought that can't this be made a little automated so that I don't have to do it manually in each semester? So, then this tool was born.

What This Tool Does

In simpler terms, it is a very simple tool which just creates nested folders automatically for you in just one click. It will properly keep the folders structure for you like Year -> Semester -> Subject -> Lab, Theory -> etc more if you need it (You have to use the CLI then). You just have to put the subject names and boom it will create the folders for you in no time. No need to go inside a folder one by one and create all those folders each time by yourself let StudyFolderOrganzer do that or SFO I like to call it 😁.

Let's Explore the SFO Tool

Currently the tool is available for Windows platforms only. But I do have plans to make it available on Linux based OS too if I get enough responses to the project. So, enough talks, let's dive into the tool.

The tool has both a GUI and a CLI version available. The CLI version do comes with some more features obviously ;). You can grab the tool from the official website here

My Recommendation

I will recommend the GUI version for most of the users as it is simple, easy to use and safe. And also the development of SFO CLI version has been stopped and been mainly focused on the GUI version so to keep updated GUI version is recommended.


How to Use (GUI)

Watch this short demo video and you will understand what and how to use this tool.

Click here to view the short video

Wanna Contribute?

So, this project is for students. And I will be more than happy if other students come forward to extend this tool more with more cool features. As this tool now only has options for university students and I have designed the folder structures as my university runs, so it will be great if more students come and implement other folder structure templates into this tool. I am always open to pull requests to this project.

You can read this doc or reach me out for contributions. Thank you β™₯

Happy to share this tool with you and hope you will like it Students πŸ’œ

Mushfiqur Rahman Abir
Computer Science Engineer

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