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Matija Sosic for Wasp

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🥇The Best Web Framework Doesn't Exist 🚫

TLDR; The web app framework you choose doesn’t really matter. Well, it matters, just not as much as others would like you to believe.

The fact that so many libraries and frameworks exist in 2024, and that the best one is still hotly debated, proves my point. It’s the web developers' biggest “first-world problem” — a problem that’s not really a problem. On Maslow’s Hierarchy of Developer Needs, it’s definitely near the top (ok, I made that up 😅)

dev needs

For example, according to the StateOfJS survey of 2022 (we're still waiting for 2023 results to roll in), there were 5 Front-end Frameworks with good retention in 2018; there were 11 in 2022. That’s a 120% increase in a matter of 4 years, and that’s not even taking into account the hot meta-frameworks like NextJS, Wasp, SvelteKit, or Astro!

frameworks throughout years

These are great developments for the space, overall. They improve things like developer speed, bundle size, performance, and developer experience. But they also make it damn hard for developers and teams to make a decision when trying to decide which to use for their next project. It’s even worse for beginners, which is probably why they just go for React, the most "mainstream" solution.

And I think all of this is OK, because in the end it doesn’t really matter which one you choose. When it really comes down to it, all that matters is the framework you chose:

  • Is stable (enough)
  • Allows you to move quickly
  • Allows you to reach your end goal

Why? Because most of them are built around the same concepts, have proven themselves capable of performing at scale, and have communities you can engage with and learn from.

React might be the most prominent one in job descriptions, but if you’re looking for a new role and only have experience in Vue or Angular, I can’t imagine it would take you more than a week to build a side-project with React to display your ability to prospective employers.

On the flip side, if you’re a beginner or Junior dev, once you have the basics of HTML, CSS, and JS under your belt, it doesn’t really matter what framework you learn. I personally started learning backend development with PHP, but then later switched to frontend in Angular. In my second subsequent role I used React, and now I work with Wasp (a full-stack framework built on top of React and Node.js) to develop my side project, Developers never stop learning, so it’s kind of a non-argument to deride any specific framework — unless it really sucks, but then no one will continue to use it anyway.

Use what works

So, in the end, use what works. Because in 99.99% of cases, your choice of web framework will not decide the fate of your project.

If you’ve done a bit of research and found a framework that suits your needs and you enjoy using it — use it. There’s really no good reason not to.

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Top comments (29)

schalkneethling profile image
Schalk Neethling

Agreed, the best framework is the one built into browsers already 🙌

vincanger profile image

haha i love the hierarchy of developer needs 😂

matijasos profile image
Matija Sosic

hehe you don't say!

infomiho profile image
Mihovil Ilakovac

Thank you for nice memes 😂

matijasos profile image
Matija Sosic

it is my pleasure to serve :D

hamatoyogi profile image
Yoav Ganbar

Great post @matijasos !
You forgot to mention Qwik in your "hot new meta framework" sentence 🫠

matijasos profile image
Matija Sosic

Oh my, you are right! Glad you liked it :)

srbhr profile image
Saurabh Rai

Nice one. I liked the developer-needs triangle.

fatihkurtl profile image
Fatih Kurt

Thank you, as a developer, I was thinking a lot about which framework I should use and this article was very helpful.

matijasos profile image
Matija Sosic

What did you decide? :)

fatihkurtl profile image
Fatih Kurt

I was using nuxt and vue in the frontend, but I was quite undecided about the backend, I was going back and forth between 2 options; python fastapi and laravel, I think I will make my choice in favor of fastapi because it is better in terms of performance and I already have the chance to work in many areas with python. If I am thinking wrong, I would like to hear your valuable opinions.

karadza profile image
Juraj • Edited

Came for the title, stayed for the memes 😄

Although I completely agree with you, that won't stop me from reading more posts about "the best framework"!

matijasos profile image
Matija Sosic

Thanks Juraj! To many more "the best framework" articles :D

christianpaez profile image
Christian Paez

Someone had to say it!

cng_nguynxun_0c376158 profile image
Công Nguyễn Xuân

i wish wasp supported vue3

matijasos profile image
Matija Sosic

In the future!

martinovicdev profile image
Boris Martinovic

Great article!
We have to accept that sometimes, we prefer to tinker and try out new things instead of shipping what works (and that's okay!).

matijasos profile image
Matija Sosic

Thanks Boris! Yeah, we definitely shouldn't stop trying out new things (that's how we learn), but we also shouldn't be too harsh to what we're using right now. It's probably good enough for the job.

nevodavid profile image
Nevo David

Love it!

matijasos profile image
Matija Sosic

Thanks, Nevo!

kubernaut profile image
Louis Weston

Stared ⭐️

matijasos profile image
Matija Sosic

Appreciate it, Louis!

davorrunje profile image
Davor Runje

Nice writeup 👏👏👏

matijasos profile image
Matija Sosic

Thank you Davor!

kasaladeysleep profile image
myLane ♊

The best hook for 2024

matijasos profile image
Matija Sosic

haha, love this one!

debadyuti profile image

Love the hierarchy of needs! Dark mode FTW!